马来西亚中文博客(部落客)列表 (Updated in: 24 September 2009)
在 网络科技迅速扩展、各项免费网络平台分至沓来、博客风潮流席卷各地之际,马来西亚中文网民才姗姗搭上博客列车,开始创建各种门类的个性化网志。然而,马来 西亚网民的网络日志,却因为缺乏网站流通量,无法吸引网络搜寻器前来抓取网志内容以便编汇进搜寻器的网页目录,造成马来西亚中文网民无法通过网志与各地网 民进行更为普及的交流。所以,必须有自愿人士扛起编撰马来西亚中文博客(部落客)列表的义务。
西方博客早在90年代末期已经开始通过本身 的网志,实践人人都是“公民记者”的新世代媒体广播模式。个人网志新闻是一个非常棒的点子!不管你来自什幺阶层,从事什幺行业,只要你具备基本的书写以及 应用网络科技的普通技能,你就能把自己所亲眼见证的第一手即时新闻放在网际网络供网民阅读,甚至让不同地域的网民将网志新闻影印成为实物的印刷纸张资讯, 供人传阅。
[ http://www.got1mag.com/ 有人部落 ]
[ http://kitsiang.blogspot.com/ 林吉祥 - 林吉祥部落 (旧) ]
[ http://www.limkitsiang.com/cblog/ 林吉祥 - 林吉祥部落 (新) ]
[ http://yangbaiyang.blogspot.com/ 杨白杨 - 天下太平 ]
[ http://leebanchen.blogspot.com/ 李万千 - 万千文集 ]
[ http://leebanchen.wordpress.com/ 李万千 - 知己知彼 ]
[ http://postmedia.blogspot.com/ 破媒体传播网:庄迪澎文存 ]
[ http://wengsan.blogspot.com/ 博客@永山 ]
[ http://youquan.blogspot.com/ 林猷荃 - 哗此一生 ]
[ http://limji.blogspot.com/ limji - 生命在于觉醒 ]
[ http://erhc79.blogspot.com/ 余福祺 - 政治撕裂 . 文字愈合? ]
[ http://umany.blogspot.com/ 马大新青年协会 (Umany) ]
[ http://sedarmmu.blogspot.com/ Sedar MMU ]
[ http://lonelyjackal.blogspot.com/ Jackal - 人不漂流枉少年 ]
[ http://abeautifulmind.blogsome.com/ 梁广安 - 美丽境界 ]
[ http://kenplanet.blogspot.com/ Ken - 憨人寻味 ]
[ http://malaysiapodcaster.blogspot.com/ 大马播客 ]
[ http://jiahui.lifelogger.com/ 洪嘉慧 - 洪嘉慧部落 ]
[ http://wfmxh.blogspot.com/ 李晓蕙 - 蕙心微笑 ]
[ http://i-m-liar.blogspot.com/ 撒谎的信徒 ]
[ http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/blog.php?uid=21685 小李飞刀-佳礼中文论坛博客 ]
[ http://x-mirror.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 大照妖镜 ]
[ http://feidao.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 又见飞刀 ]
[ http://realmca.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 觥筹交错 ]
[ http://negara.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 国事春秋 ]
[ http://3rdvote.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 第三选票 ]
[ http://sword-man.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 丹心剑客 ]
[ http://huajiao.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 凤雨华教 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ngnf 吴彦华 - 东方日报总编连线 ]
[ http://ng2363424.blogsome.com/ JingJing - The World of JingJing]
[ http://poetesing.blogspot.com/ 波伊德 - P/S ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/espressomay 阿鱼 - 撒野后蜕变﹐以流浪再启程]
[ http://bixia.blogspot.com/ 小虾爱大海 - 五。味。杂。陈。]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bengkuek 明发 - 噤声地带 ]
[ http://moviebang.blogspot.com/ 电影帮 ]
[ http://movila.blogspot.com/ 幕帷拉电影周记 ]
[ http://xuefei2001.blogspot.com/ 飞 -臆造书写 ]
[ http://mksow.blogspot.com/ mksow ]
[ http://chenjie79.blogspot.com/ Chen Jie - 一个人的脑酱 ]
[ http://imwormy.blogspot.com/ Wormy - 破蛹 ]
[ http://iplaywithheart.blogspot.com/ 用心玩家 - iplaywithheart的网上部落 ]
[ http://mrmoon05.blogspot.com/ MRmOOn^ -在月球上跳舞 ]
[ http://t-junction.blogspot.com/ 纯属虚构 ]
[ http://yhkwan.blogsome.com/ 霏寂寞的季节 ]
[ http://themuji.blogspot.com/ Winds - 寻风 . 觅云 ]
[ http://syuji.blogspot.com/ YeeLim - 天行者启示录 ]
[ http://teresakok.blogsome.com/ Teresa Kok ]
[ http://tklai.blogspot.com/ 赖昭光 - 有点肚懒 ]
[ http://utopia.e-channel.info/ 安那琪的文字乌托邦 ]
[ http://insidesglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 I ]
[ http://sglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 II ]
[ http://suarasglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 III ]
[ http://thefreemedia.com/my/index.php/columns/myhome/408 陈利威 - 马来西亚新经济政策借尸还魂?]
[ http://eannee.blogspot.com/ NTV7华语新闻和追踪档案主播陈彦妮 - Sound of Dragon ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/eannee NTV7华语新闻和追踪档案主播陈彦妮 - 恐龙手记 ]
[ http://yokesuan.blogspot.com/ 陈玉璇 - 落脚上海 ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/ngoigp/ 魏月萍 - 新学衡 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/namiong/ 萧悦宁 - 兰陵斋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/whiteflag99/ 庄白绮 - 在香港看世界!]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/starseeker1984/ Wong Kiing Hung - 星夜骑士 ]
[ http://watyl.blogspot.com/ 前WaFM DJ 谭育怜 - 网上点歌 ]
[ http://lihkang1.blogspot.com/ 大马人民之声协调员郑立慷 - 十万里路 (旧)]
[ http://www.lihkang.com/cn/ 大马人民之声协调员郑立慷 - 十万里路 (新)]
[ http://chiakc.blogspot.com/ Kai Chiat - 科学顽童狂想曲 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/darkcat988/ 黑猫 - 我们的爱,早已超越了种族和时间的限制 (回忆录) ]
[ http://voiceofmalaysia.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - 大马之声 ]
[ http://cstudentunion-ch.blogspot.com/ 吉隆坡中华国民型中学学生联合会 ]
[ http://mingren8.blogbus.com/index.html 一名色人 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/vinhc VinHc有话,不吐不快!! ]
[ http://messily.blogspot.com/ 杂。MESS ]
[ http://junyong2508.blogspot.com/ junyong - 外星人♥之地盘 ]
[ http://csmean.blogspot.com/ 敏の世界 ]
[ http://youse.blogspot.com/ 悠 - 一個人的行走 ]
[ http://humhumfan.blogspot.com/ humhum/蚶蚶 ]
[ http://japanationway.blogspot.com/ 胡禄丰 Jerry's Japanation ]
[ http://www.jeremiahfoo.com/blog 胡禄丰 Jerry Who - Jerry’s Alter Ego > 乱语胡言 ]
[ http://jerrywho.blogspot.com/ 胡禄丰 Jerry Who - J-Talk > 乱语胡言 (Active whenever original blog being hacked) ]
[ http://sevenhouse.blogspot.com/ SVEN - SEVENHOUSE (OLD)]
[ http://members.lycos.co.uk/tujuh/ SVEN - SEVENHOUSE (OLD)]
[ http://www.jinjang.com/seven/ SVEN - 文员生活 (NEW)]
[ http://keeykeey.blogspot.com/ keeykeey - Beautiful Everyday ]
[ http://raininghut.blogspot.com/ 陈永达 - 听雨轩 ]
[ http://www.paikia.com/ paikia - 秘密花园 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/zooooker/ZooooKER'S Zoo ]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/room2046/ 梦游鲸鱼的魔幻世界 ]
[ http://egemini.blogspot.com/ Gemini e Blogger ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/snowpiano/ Snowpiano ^ ^ ]
[ http://snowpiano.blogspot.com/ Snowpiano - 活在当下~生命没有迂回! ]
[ http://snowpiano99.blogspot.com/ Snowpiano - 珊瑚海 ]
[ http://mytheatre.wordpress.com/ 看好~大马中文剧场资讯部落格 ]
[ http://www.douglascky.com/ Yong's Empire 詠霸天下 ]
[ http://qixiao.blogspot.com/ 哮廊 - 哮了!]
[ http://blogsgator.blogspot.com/ BlogsGator - We gather Blogs , and Blogs gather us!]
[ http://shouwangke.blogspirit.com/ 守望客 ]
[ http://lonelywen.blogspot.com/ lonely_wen - 孤单人的足迹 ]
[ http://gnaknehc.blogspot.com/ kang - 122005 过渡月累 ]
[ http://www.penguin-inn.com/blog/ hanshyong's blog ]
[ http://ponghonk.blogspot.com/ Hanjie - 风雨。晴 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/sumweb/ SAMIDEAS@森点子网志 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/cheehou/ Chee Hou - Maxlife ]
[ http://winniebong.blogspot.com/ 晓薇 - 美丽师奶 ]
[ http://violetloo.blogspot.com/ 紫云 - Small is beautiful ]
[ http://kn1046.blogspot.com/ 壹零肆陆部落 ]
[ http://seekiancheah.blogspot.com/ 谢诗坚 - 飞扬网络 ]
[ http://betarocket.blogspot.com/ 火箭原生报 beta Rocket ]
[ http://nweiaik.blogspot.com/ 黄伟益 - 唤醒心中的巨人 ]
[ http://wphoon.blogspot.com/ 潘永强 - polity ]
[ http://www.fanpikwah.com/ 潘碧华 - 扬眉女子 ]
[ http://tener.blogspot.com/ 十儿(tener) - 十度精神粮食 ]
[ http://anbiarshyz.e-channel.info/ 库巴啦迪文字拼图 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/summer0518/ 库巴啦迪文字拼图 ]
[ http://dreamer.e-channel.info 星空下想你 ]
[ http://khooman.blogspot.com/ 小说里外的邱赐峰 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/eSpeeDWorld/ 亿速@痕字迹 eSpeeD @ Cyber Spaces ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/mixchan/ 阿mixの杂记本 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/shiyu/ 施宇 - 窃窃施宇 Waynespering (旧)]
[ http://shiyu.lifelogger.com/ 施宇 - 窃窃施宇 Waynespering (新)]
[ http://wyc-gemini.blogspot.com/ geminnX - 双星奇缘 ]
[ http://myprettyheart.blogspot.com/ 思敏 - 美丽的开始~!]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/aaahni/ Sinni Chong - 米和麦小的世界 (.m.E. a.n.d. m.Y.s.e.L.F..) ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/viviongan84/Vivion Gan - 千里马之轩 ]
[ http://tkchiew.blogspot.com/ 周添健 - 健言社 ]
[ http://tkchiew.spaces.msn.com/ 周添健 - 添健@周.记 ]
[ http://selfpoetry.blogspot.com/ gadfly - mypoetry ]
[ http://cls74.blogspot.com/ 1970世代马大华文学会部落客 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/travin1988/ Travin - 迎向太阳的向日葵 ]
[ http://balladepouradeline.blogspot.com/ Adeline Wong - 无尽的等待 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/whkang07/ Kang Wen Hao - 我的八度空间 ]
[ http://irenelim.blogspot.com/ Irene Lim - 点点滴滴 ]
[ http://sookying.blogspot.com/ 蓝玫瑰Emily - 我的第二天堂 ]
[ http://my18thbirthday2005.blogspot.com/ 蓝玫瑰Emily - My 18th Birthday Party ]
[ http://jeff.coolsilon.com/ 我就是我 ]
[ http://poayhua.blogspot.com/ 甘培华 - 不要害怕你的生命会结束,而要害怕它从未开始 ]
[ http://96liao.blogspot.com/ 所谓 . oi_say - 96 liao ]
[ http://blogoisay.blogspot.com/ 所谓 . oi_say ]
[ http://shiuanandkomei.blogspot.com/ Shiuan and Komei - SKll ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/summerjune/ June的日志列表 ]
[ http://www.jsxblog.uni.cc/ 庄勇翰 - 静思轩 ]
[ http://kokkuen.blogkaki.net/ Kok Kuen - 风儿他说要轻轻吹 ]
[ http://mybabyqq.blogspot.com/ 啊潘咭 与 恒爸爸 - 亲亲晴晴 ]
[ http://myqingqing.blogspot.com/ 啊潘咭 与 恒爸爸 - 一年四季, 春夏秋冬, 每一季都有晴天..... ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/mokky13/ 独孤笑笑生 gila mok ]
[ http://weiyeh.blogspot.com/ 黄伟业 - 甜蜜的负荷 ]
[ http://flyagainsttime.blogspot.com/ lys - Flying against time逆向飞行 ]
[ http://mybbhh.blogspot.com/ Kong mummy HH - 航航出状元 ]
[ http://meeyenkong.blogspot.com/ Kong Mee Yen - ~心言♡星语~ ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jaycecheh Jayce Cheh - 用心说故事 ]
[ http://duriantea.blogspot.com/ Darren Tee - 榴莲茶馆 ]
[ http://wushenlun.blogspot.com/ 黄德峻 - 无神论 ]
[ http://duller.blogspot.com/ 黄德峻 - 无聊小站 (旧) ]
[ http://duller.kukuchew.com 黄德峻 - 无聊小站 (新) ]
[ http://dreamland4kelvinyeo.blogspot.com/ KelvinYeo - DreamLand4KelvinYeo ]
[ http://kkwong.lifelogger.com/ 前WaFM DJ KK - KK lifelog ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/AhKew 李永球 - AhKew的家屋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/twsim/ 古越遗民 (旧) ]
[ http://twsim.blogsome.com/ 古越遗民 (新) ]
[ http://teckchi.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 王德齐部落 I ]
[ http://teckchi.blogspot.com/ 王德齐部落 II ]
[ http://khankhai.blogspot.com :: 钪凯 :: ]
[ http://kwongliang.blogspot.com/ 谢光亮 - 我手写我思 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/kwongliang/ 谢光亮 - 月亮阁楼 ]
[ http://kwongliang.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 谢光亮 - 你和我的天地 ]
[ http://www.paulooi.com/ Paul Ooi(琮正) and Friends - paulooi.com ]
[ http://penangpodcast.blogspot.com/ Penang Podcast 槟城播客 ]
[ http://www.penanghokkien.com/ Penang Hokkien Podcast 槟城福建 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tanyongwei/ Tan Yong Wei - 幸福空间 ]
[ http://gheeyea.blogspot.com/ Ghee Yea - 雅雅的天空 ]
[ http://hoehark.blogspot.com/ 鎗人鎗语GanManGunWords ]
[ http://info.sparkyblue.com/ Simon Su - info.sparkyblue.com ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/doiwl/ doi - my own world 我的天地 ]
[ http://huaxiao.blogspot.com/ 心系华小 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tenge5/ 浴水重生之凤凰 - 等生命的活人 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/hal-ehwal-semasa/ 雍维 - <凝静的冬天> 精彩时评网 ]
[ http://stephencpt.blogspot.com/ 陈秋平 - Let us make the world a better place. ]
[ http://watraffic.blogspot.com/ Wa Traffic [哗红绿灯] ]
[ http://klsetechnical.blogspot.com/ John Lee - Bursa Malaysia Stock Investment Discussion ]
[ http://zxingkxing.blogspot.com/ zhixing - 自兴开兴 ]
[ http://zhixiang1213.blogspot.com/ 志祥 - "志"趣"祥"投的部落格 ]
[ http://safewafm.blogspot.com/ 少奇 - NTV 7及 "哗!FM"命运如何呢? ]
[ http://up-to-me.blogspot.com/ Ooby ヤギ - 口水日记 ]
[ http://jithean.blogspot.com/ 日贤 - Forest Sun ]
[ http://kaim83.blogspot.com/ 育琴 - sunshine ]
[ http://whiteporridge.blogspot.com/ 白粥部落 ]
[ http://hbdckp.blogspot.com/ 开屏事记 ]
[ http://geminiurl.blogspot.com/ Gemini - 为你打开另一扇窗口的URLs... ]
[ http://c2pid.blogspot.com/ 昔途避 - 失。心。疯。子。 ]
[ http://alienrobot.blogspot.com/ Rieru - Robot Factory On The Alien Planet ]
[ http://filmaniac7th.blogspot.com/ Rieru - The Seventh Art ]
[ http://www.smoothriver.net/ Sam Hui - SmoothRiver.net ]
[ http://lixing76.blogspot.com/ 章力行 - 京都の客 ]
[ http://nightraveler.blogspot.com/ 章力行 - I am so so ]
[ http://zeroyan.blogspot.com/ Yan - 零度空间 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sharlyntan88 陈敬婷 - =成长的灵魂= ]
[ http://rongsquare.blogspot.com/ nottyboy - 荣广场 ]
[ http://bluegemini.blogspot.com/ 蓝双子 - 蓝双子的天空 ]
[ http://kyotos.blogspot.com/ BOX Cat - Summer Rat ]
[ http://hohosek.blogspot.com/ EdLim , 峰 - 有时候能觉得无聊也是一种幸福~* ]
[ http://www.mclady.net/speak/ Michelle - 我说话时,你听。 你需要听众时,我在。 ]
[ http://euwenpyb.blogspot.com/ Euwen - 文锋起吾 ]
[ http://soccertalk.blogspot.com/ Euwen - 足球心经 ]
[ http://ooitzemin.blogspot.com/ 黄思敏 - 改变的力量 ]
[ http://crankynutcase.blogspot.com/ 独孤老人 - Ramblings of an incoherent mind ]
[ http://ihaveadatewithavampire.blogspot.com/ 独孤老人 - 假如真的再有约会 ]
[ http://appleonlyforadam.blogspot.com/ HEZT - 亚当的禁果 ]
[ http://penguinfunfair.blogspot.com/ Cathy Lee - 企鹅の乐园 ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/summerjune/bibi/ JuneYang - 我的孩子气让我勇敢 ]
[ http://blog.activehack.com/ 方佳星 - 星空の语 ]
[ http://kusou.blogspot.com/ Kusuo - 空想堂 ]
[ http://ainie781.blogspot.com/ Ainie Lee - 当下,请...请你...你和我约会吧! ]
[ http://babykwen.blogspot.com/ 韦凯雯 - 娃娃凯雯看天下 ]
[ http://lauqian.blogspot.com/ 老全 - 老全废话录 ]
[ http://lauqian2.blogspot.com/ 老全 - 废话连篇 ]
[ http://khamun.blogspot.com/ mosquito - 小人物 ]
[ http://zerodistance.blogspot.com/ Hiro - 零距离 ]
[ http://wyc-gemini.blogspot.com/ 黄贤智 - 双星奇缘 ]
[ http://stfund.blogspot.com/ Stenny Lim - 儿子的投资组合( ST FUND)]
[ http://stenny.blogspot.com/ Stenny Lim - 跟着感觉走 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/hackzai/ 克仔 - 克仔,笑谈快门 ]
[ http://vctts.blogspot.com/ 阿凯 - 大城小事 ]
[ http://chunghan.blogspot.com/ 蔡宗恒 - 平恒点 ]
[ http://seowmeiyin.blogspot.com/ Seow Mei Yin - 0h@iyO ]
[ http://jupiterbee.blogspot.com/ Kinhaya - 木星世界 ]
[ http://mengleiwong.blogspot.com/ 天鹅江畔 ]
[ http://savecampusmalaysia1.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚全国大专生团结阵线(SMM) ]
[ http://winderman.blogspot.com/ 一粒米的故事 ]
[ http://ahliqing.blogspot.com/ Qing's ]
[ http://yannilim0811.blogspot.com/ Lim Yanni - 草木皆非 ]
[ http://pigcity05.blogspot.com/ pig@city ]
[ http://rome-lalah.blogspot.com/ Beh Chew Yeng - The Adventure of little Lalah.. ]
[ http://cbfang8.mysinablog.com/ 英杰 - 细细体会美丽人生 ]
[ http://forbiddencultur.livejournal.com/ 玄德人生 forbiddenculture ]
[ http://sharemovie.blogspot.com/ Teng Yong ,阿彤 和 Louis - 并非影评 ]
[ http://alankyo.blogspot.com/ Alan Kong - 东风不破 ]
[ http://keiamakura88.blogspot.com/ kei amakura - 天仓萤 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/wlimnd/blog/ W. L. Lim - 秆哪塞@精神 ]
[ http://mengleiwong.blogspot.com/ Wong Meng Lei - 天鹅江畔 ]
[ http://www.jeffooi.com/ferryman/ 黄泉安 (Jeff Ooi) - 摆渡人 ]
[ http://blog.forum-talk.com/ 沧海一声笑- 笑不出还可以哭 ]
[ http://chineseteacher.blogspot.com/ yeoh yeoh - 杏坛春秋 话山论见 ]
[ http://drummer94.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 维聪 - 终之序~大洪世说新语 ]
[ http://yuilie.blogspot.com/ 烈子 - 民主就是说出来 ]
[ http://cocoa0506.blogspot.com/ cocoa - 就是这样 没有怎样 ]
[ http://locker2020.blogspot.com/ cocoa - 随心所欲 ]
[ http://lanxinyu.blogspot.com/ 蓝心雨 - 蓝色阁楼 ]
[ http://huixinyong.blogspot.com/ Yong Hui Xin - 在灵感中钓灵感 Fishing for Inspiration ]
[ http://cpy00rebecca.blogspot.com/ Cpy - When you want to cry ]
[ http://bigbigmug.blogspot.com/ mugmug - biG biG muG's hiDDen eMotiOn ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tingying/Blog/ 陈丁莹 - 丁莹歌剧院 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ernestein/ 陈耀宗 - 有理细思 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/moontree/ 刘艺婉 - 月亮树屋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tulipcorner/Blog/ ♡^_^♡ TuLip's CoRnEr~ ]
[ http://kae79.blogspot.com/ 阿恺的酸甜苦辣 ]
[ http://fw123.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 ]
[ http://fwcc.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 - 弹天说地 ]
[ http://fwyogi.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 - 瑜人手札 ]
[ http://t-junction.blogspot.com/ MRmOOn^ , Wormy & Fei Fei - 纯属虚构 ]
[ http://findingjuliet.blogspot.com/ LavenderGuy's flower world ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ahcea/ 牺恰呵 - 感~想~忆~字 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/ameko1980/blog/ 邓筱彦 - 我的穹苍里有我的万物~ ]
[ http://violetsnow2.blogspot.com/ violetsnow ]
[ http://flyingcolor.blogspot.com/ 阿农 - 飞一般点滴 ]
[ http://sayuran.blogspot.com/ 阿农, nottyboy, Linx & yongchiarong - 素食园地 ]
[ http://tongkai.blogspot.com/ tongkai - 这个BLOG不好玩 ]
[ http://southernthailand.blogspot.com/ tongkai - 《平乱漫长路》系列 ]
[ http://planetofhorror.blogspot.com/ tongkai, A Bad Storyteller, grandia, tongkai & jokeking - 吓之新戏 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joshuahong84 Joshua Hong - 30% of joshua ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/forever07hot Carol - =Forever07hot= ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/zihern/Blog/ 陈梓蘅 - 生活,越写意越好... ... ]
[ http://zihern.blogspot.com/ 陈梓蘅 - 下一站:天堂 ]
[ http://travenplanet.blogspot.com/ 狮子座 流星雨 - 流星语录 ]
[ http://studentdiari.blogspot.com/ 一个普通学生的日记 ]
[ http://wuxiankianzai.blogspot.com/ 健仔 - 健仔车房二 ]
[ http://qiandai.blogspot.com/ 健仔 - 千代帝皇史 ]
[ http://gushishu.blogspot.com/ 鱼鱼, yuen, 蓝双子, hoyoyi, 健仔, 赤兔, angielptan, APRILCHERRIE, kulturkampf kutumart - 故事 ]
[ http://pk112.blogspot.com/ angielptan - 萍水相逢 ]
[ http://wehcydnas.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - what's Life... blur Life...... (旧) ]
[ http://blursand.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - 一切从BLUR开始... (新) ]
[ http://warmfeeling.blogspot.com/ feeling... ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/fredfox/ Fox Fu - Fox, Cassia and Narcissus ]
[ http://way5577.blogspot.com/ Wayfarer ]
[ http://jwlaw83.multiply.com/ Jin Wen - Jin Wen's Site ]
[ http://shawyun924.blogspot.com/ 胡韶芸 - ~my world~ ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/shawyun924/ 胡韶芸 - 芸。。。 想空间 ]
[ http://oceanblue2000.blogspot.com/ 清伟 - 蓝色的海 ]
[ http://lowintan.blogspot.com/ dan - 把根留住 ]
[ http://www.mariahlc.com/blog/ Maria Ho - 双喜临门 ]
[ http://chanweisee.blogspot.com/ 《独立新闻在线》记者陈慧思 - 羊人部落 ]
[ http://newbornsheepman.blogspot.com/ 《独立新闻在线》记者陈慧思 - The Sheepman's Blog ]
[ http://waysofseeing123.blogspot.com/ 《独立新闻在线》记者曾薛霏 - Ways of Seeing ]
[ http://serenemusicstation.blogspot.com/ Serene Cheam Music Station ]
[ http://aquariuscat.blogspot.com/ house of aquacat ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/lihuayonghao/blog/ YongHao - a dream comes out.....]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/yycspace/blog/ 杨永照 - Smart Space ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/nic-enyt1019/ 佩佩 - 梦幻世界~香格里拉 ]
[ http://kiasu-uk.blogspot.com/ Mr. Kiasu in the UK ]
[ http://cheehan85.blogspot.com/ Lim Chee Han - Unopened Letter to the World - ]
[ http://johnnyseah.blog-city.com/ 盛盟强 - 动乱盛世 (旧) ]
[ http://johnnyseah.blogspot.com/ 盛盟强 - 动乱盛世 (新)]
[ http://tataka83.blogspot.com/ 横行霸道 ]
[ http://jsliw.wordpress.com/ JsLiw - 寻情记 ]
[ http://shuotong.blogspot.com/ 丘工 - 说东道西 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/gtrowa2003/ Trowa - 寻觅真理 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/jchengjw/ Cheng Jian Wei - Cool Jay's Corner ]
[ http://kurikulu.blogspot.com/ Joanne - ~Welcome to Kurikulu's Paradise!!~ ]
[ http://kiwitye.blogspot.com/ 阿虎 - 奇异果 ]
[ http://jack.activehack.com/ Jack Ooi - Jack's Diary ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/zejing2004/ 黄子荣 - 山脚人家 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/clockworkcatshow/ 陈伟智 - 发条猫午夜场 ]
[ http://weitee.mocasting.com/ 陈伟智 - 发条猫乐园 ]
[ http://citytraveller.blogspot.com/ 左眼 - On The Road ]
[ http://flyerflying.blogspot.com/ 飞行人 - 实验人生 ]
[ http://www.junkiewonderland.com/ kinkyskinyhome ]
[ http://ministryofrogue.blogspot.com/ 右护法 - Ministry of Rogue ]
[ http://chinliangcheah.blogspot.com/ 谢金良 - 坚持向黄家驹致敬 ]
[ http://dchy.blogspot.com/ DCHY - 寻觅幸福 ]
[ http://traininglife02.blogspot.com/ DCHY - * 我的实习生涯 * ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/cpgib/ 阿培 - 男人三十 ]
[ http://khaisuan.blogspot.com/ Khai Suan - 天馬行空 + 妙想天開]
[ http://itstory.blogspot.com/ Khai Suan & Teng Yong - 关于电脑]
[ http://fiontkt.blogspot.com/ 文文 - 猫语录 ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/fiontkt/msf/ 文文 - Ms F 的一个人玩 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/singlebed/ Sarah Kok - Singlebed of mine...(^_^) ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/hooi1983/ Lim Chee Hooi - Hooi ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/ahzhee/ Ah Zhee WorkSpace ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/lovetalk/ Glenns Teoh - 爱の物语 ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/4leafclover/ Glenns Teoh - Four Leaf Clover ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/4leafclover/ Glenns Teoh - 娱乐在线 ]
[ http://sukwen.blogspot.com/ 夏日雪 Summer Snow ]
[ http://huayuan3.blogspot.com/ Summer Snow, Undomiel, rainingfish - 我们的故事 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/liewshinkheong/ 刘顺强之花雨夜 ]
[ http://jinlan.blogspot.com/ 靖岚 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/programmyself/ 林伟玉 - Y o k e の生きる道 ... ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/chinhor/juice/ 钟进贺 - 果汁档 (旧)]
[ http://www.rawangboy.com/ 钟进贺 - 万挠男孩 Rawang Boy (新)]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/jookyie/ 阿丽安 - mi habitacion ]
[ http://polyzone.blogspot.com/ Invisible 隐形人 - 时光机 ]
[ http://woaychee.blogs.friendster.com/ Woay Chee - MyLife ]
[ http://thiamteck12write.blogspot.com/ 温添迪 - 我写故我在 ]
[ http://wuxia001.blogspot.com/ 温添迪 - 武侠连载 ]
[ http://beast_diary.blogspot.com/ 野兽修行 - 白痴还是天才的独白?(旧)]
[ http://franson.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 野兽修行 - My Blog (新)]
[ http://faxko.blogspot.com/ FaxKo - 思。翔。迹 ]
[ http://harutodedaily.blogspot.com/ 哈乳豆 (豆豆) - 哈乳豆的友忆相影部落格 ]
[ http://www.xia4.org/ haryewkjun - 夏之星系 ]
[ http://pueyyee.blogspot.com/ 佩仪 - 蚂蚁私语 ]
[ http://leewanyin.blogspot.com/ 李婉迎 - 如歌岁月 ]
[ http://healing8.blogspot.com/ healing ting - 真挚的感动 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/meiqi/ Meiqi - 漂流世界 ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/leeling/ 玲 ~ Colors of the Night ~~~ ]
[ http://lautaionn.blogspot.com/ 刘泰安的《鹰击长空》专栏文章 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/stanic/ Kampung Boy 乡村男 - 巧克力重击 ]
[ http://lawboycool.blogspot.com/ lawboycool - The Down Under ]
[ http://my-elves.blogspot.com/ 滑翔翼 - 毁灭后重生 ]
[ http://siewshuen.blogspot.com/ 邓晓璇 - 年.华.似.水 Over the Rainbow... ... ]
[ http://dandelion.blogspirit.com/ 蒲公英合唱团 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1224431155/ pokoktom的BLOG ]
[ http://www.lzblue.com/blog/ lzblue ]
[ http://d-blue.blogspot.com/ Ray - 蓝 の 心得.回忆 ]
[ http://myjiachen.blogspot.com/ 薇薇 - 家里的晨光 ]
[ http://www.mariahlc.com/chnblog/ 宁霄 - 莫失莫忘 不离不弃 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/660214/ 小蓝~ Little Blue With You ]
[ http://youandi2006.blogspot.com/ 你我他 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/foongchy/ 熊志伟 - 伟人心中拥有志向,凡人心中只有愿望 ]
[ http://bearfoong.blogspot.com/ 熊志伟 - BeAR居E格 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/lssie1119/ 施丽思 - 美丽的思念 ]
[ http://lisze.blogspot.com/ 施丽思 - ~寂寞冰山角~ ]
[ http://wanfoong.blogs.friendster.com/wanfoong/ 黄云峰部落格 ]
[ http://jasbuggie.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 黄聪涵部落格 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/xiaojiji69/ 萧俊仁 - 俊俊红灯区 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/sillycx514/ 幻灭的泡泡儿 - 没落的红颜 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/chrohcl/ 玄霖 - ★☆云霖之家☆★ ]
[ http://mewyeen.blogspot.com/ mewyeen - 摇篮语 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/karyite/ 家玉 - 逍遥任我行 ]
[ http://747-is-breathing.blogspot.com/ 欧阳菲凌 - 747 iS BreAtHinG @ 呼吸的747 ]
[ http://eternal0731.blogspot.com/ 秋. 落叶 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯的永恒 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/gltan/ 陈玉莲 - 碧绿荷塘 (旧)]
[ http://greenlotuspond.blogspot.com/ 陈玉莲 - 碧绿荷塘 (新)]
[ http://gltan.blogspot.com/ 陈玉莲 - 欧游掠影 Travelling around Europe ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/microscope/ Ooi Yan Rong - 显微镜下的布落格 ]
[ http://mymemorylane.blogdrive.com/ 黎韵媚 - My Memory Lane ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tangkl/blog/ Long - † 无名 †]
[ http://digestcopy.blogspot.com/ Sophie - 艺术小抄 ]
[ http://sophieminds.blogspot.com/ Sophie - Shut Up Talks 抿嘴说说 ]
[ http://ying81.blogspot.com/ 莹莹 - 心情涂鸦板 ]
[ http://ygun.blogspirit.com/ Young Gun - [Y]文邪说 ]
[ http://denisechanged.livejournal.com/ 穷则变 ]
[ http://www.oomoney.com/ oo - 哦哦理财 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/totoromeow/ Meowling Teo - Meow Meow in the Space ]
[ http://stanganley.blogsome.com/ Stanley Gan - 我爱好部落格 ]
[ http://thecosmos4747.blogspot.com/ thecosmos - 继续呼吸 ]
[ http://wukaneld.blogspot.com/ Ngu Leh Dai - 天空之城 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/callmee/blog/ Choon Yong - Callmee Home ]
[ http://eminriceball.blogspot.com/ *~饭团之家~* ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/chuenkian/ Chuen Kian - 健人志 ]
[ http://lovecreator.blogspot.com/ Winterwhale - 冬鲸物语 ]
[ http://dearcheng.blogspot.com/ Winterwhale - 思念你的每一天 ]
[ http://pooisan33.blogspot.com/ 珊珊 - 珊之木目心法 ]
[ http://blog.cari.com.my/ying123/ KIMOI天地(貳) ]
[ http://kminchan.blogspot.com/ Chan KM - 天地 ]
[ http://buwennet.blogspot.com/ 懒人 ]
[ http://ahnee.jasonmumbles.com/ Nee says... ]
[ http://knightinsky.blogspot.com/ 刘运臻 - knightinsky的blog ]
[ http://8mamak.blogspot.com/ 8 MAMAK 部落 ]
[ http://chongkokwai.blogspot.com/ 张国伟 - 大炮王国 (旧)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/chongkokwai 张国伟 - 大炮王国 (新)]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/bigmaomao/ 超级无敌霹雳大天才 - 流浪狗的小窝 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/yokelai/ lai^^稻草人的自由天空 ♀ ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/flying11/ 想飞 ]
[ http://yufumin.blogspot.com/ yufumin - My Life Story in Wenzhou China ]
[ http://soonhuat.blogs.friendster.com/lee/ 李顺发 - MR@LEE's心情分享 ]
[ http://onegigspace.blogspot.com/ Kenny Lee - One Gig Space ]
[ http://aec.blogsome.com/ AEC ]
[ http://grassroothome.blogspot.com/ 阿册小室 ]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/titep/ titep - 冲啊...不要回头,是起飞的时候了.... ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/titep Ooi Shinyi - 欲说还休 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/bomba/ 房怡谅 - 我的長相非主流 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/bomba/ Kelly Ong - 飞向理想 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/puki-oki/ 从 O KI 演变 >> 为 PUKI ]
[ http://polisbukit.blogspot.com/ 我是阿Chan! ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/deepest-d/ Davors Ooi - 舞狮人生 ]
[ http://skycaribbean.blogspot.com/ 无奈的天空 - 加勒比海的天空 ]
[ http://ailihua.blogspot.com/ Wong Weng Hoo - 非一般的天空 ]
[ http://ayamu.blogspot.com/ 阿牙木 - 牙木录 ]
[ http://bingrui.blogspot.com/ 小镇岁月 - 丈量一座山川 ]
[ http://keong79.blogspot.com/ 阿强 - 写意生活 ]
[ http://charlyn82.blogspot.com/ 琳 - *~心灵记事本~* ]
[ http://huixinyong.blogspot.com/ Hui Xin - 在灵感中钓灵感 Fishing for Inspiration ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jadeng 黄玉真 - Jade的斜塔人生 ]
[ http://malaysiapodcaster.blogspot.com/ 紫雨 - 大马播客 ]
[ http://penanglang.blogspot.com/ 紫雨 - 网上创业现场直播 ]
[ http://energyalignment.wordpress.com/ 紫雨 - 紫雨的能量运动 ]
[ http://loveistouching.blogspot.com/ 紫雨 - 爱很感性 ]
[ http://www.g-economy.com/ 紫雨 - 网上创业教战手册 ]
[ http://jazzideas.blogspot.com/ Jessie - Jazz点子 ]
[ http://jteh.blogspot.com/ Jackie Teh - 无人角落 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tiebingzi 冰子的文字撒野地盘 ]
[ http://my-siasat.blogspot.com/ Amadeus B.V, iTangen - My-Siasat 马来西亚丑陋的一面 ]
[ http://stanganley.blogsome.com/ stanganley - 我爱好部落格 iLoveBlog ]
[ http://luvmyse1f.blogspot.com/ 晨晚 - 爱自己 ]
[ http://hoaimeng.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ Hoai Meng - 灼热的冰 ]
[ http://malimalihome.blogspot.com/ June Wong - 魔法世界 ]
[ http://tanyawen.blogspot.com/ Man Yee - 叫我雅文 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lokido lokido's blog ]
[ http://el1981.blogspot.com/ EL1981 - 窝格活力记事本 ]
[ http://badtaste.bluecircus.net/ 管启源 - Private Washroom ]
[ http://liuchia.blogspot.com/ 柳伽 - Photo story ]
[ http://hwweng0416.blogspot.com/ 飞行鱼 Flying fish ]
[ http://jying-tey.blogspot.com/ JYing - Maybe you'll be there ]
[ http://third-sister.blogspot.com/ 3iib - thirdsister 三姐 ]
[ http://vanille9.blogspot.com/ vanille_liau - Vanille-Malaysian : Try-香草的心迹 ]
[ http://ngkiannam.blogspot.com/ 吴健南部落 ]
[ http://zoexinkong.spaces.msn.com/blog/ Zoe Tan - 星空 ]
[ http://ufu221.spaces.msn.com/blog/ Sam -『爱情是没有课本的,你不能套用别人恋爱的方式,在自己的感情里。』]
[ http://a-rhapsodict.blogspot.com/ livzalian - 马虎屋 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/mixchan/ 阿mixの杂记本 (旧)]
[ http://mixchan.lifelogger.com/ 阿mixの杂记本 (新)]
[ http://i-m-learning.blogspot.com/ Sask - 我每天都在学习 ]
[ http://friendsterbunny.blogspot.com/ Bunny ]
[ http://onelovtu.blogspot.com/ Bunny - TrueTrue ]
[ http://tanwenshuozi.blogspot.com/ 谢增英 - 谈文说字 ]
[ http://lvyoubiji.blogspot.com/ 谢增英 - 西安之旅 ]
[ http://aiswan.blogspot.com/ 中国报副刊记者林艾萱 - 梵灵小筑 ]
[ http://etsuko1120.blogspot.com/ etsukoの自由国 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/blog?fyjen 猫言猫语 ]
[ http://ky2812.blogspot.com/ ky@天空 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=4558665 窗边的豆豆 ]
[ http://yeepiew.blogspot.com/ Yee Piew - 尘埃的心事 ]
[ http://yeepiew2.blogspot.com/ Yee Piew - 戒她日记 ]
[ http://yeepiew3.blogspot.com/ Yee Piew - 风中歌乐 ]
[ http://daxiongpalace.blogspot.com/ 部落客 - 马来西亚生病了!!! ]
[ http://commontale.blogspot.com/ syhwah - 优游话语 ]
[ http://boutsuangel91.blogspirit.com 祈晴 - ~*祈晴物语*~ ]
[ http://yoouyouwoxin.blogspot.com/ 枫之家 - 晓筑悠游 ]
[ http://sukisamjana.blogspot.com/ 琦子 - 天 上 。 人 间 ]
[ http://neohch.spaces.msn.com/ 無所待…… - 游于无穷 ]
[ http://endofthesummer.wordpress.com/ 唐卿 - 花事了 End Of The Summer ]
[ http://southgerman.blogspot.com/ BloodDoc - Süddeutschland ]
[ http://song80s.blogspot.com/ BloodDoc, Kok Keon, terengganu - 那年我们十九岁 - 声音回荡 ]
[ http://ayamu.blogspot.com/ 阿牙木 - 牙木录 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/myblm/ 不留名 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/mountain/ low meei - 夏日午后的山屋,醒着恍惚。]
[ http://kenglobe.blogspot.com/ Keng 坑 - Keng's Globe ]
[ http://goldcut.blogspirit.com/ Keng 坑 - 剪金集 GoldCutting ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/janice5206 Janice - 祈晴天使的秘密花园 ]
[ http://sabahan-dilemma.blogspot.com/ iTangen - 沙巴人的心声 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/dreamer0609 小紫 - 笨女孩の笨笨部落格 ]
[ http://ahdai.kukuchew.com/ 呆人呆语 (旧)]
[ http://www.ahdai.net/ 呆人呆语 (新)]
[ http://adamview.blogspot.com/ 周本兴 - 小男人手记 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1219893262 周本兴 - 麻辣大狀 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=panda1069 周本兴 - 禽情兽爱.雄诗再起 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/m/nvrenxinsi_linxiuman 林修蔓 - 男人禁地.女人
[ http://sunyong.blogspot.com/ 杨善勇 - 异见博客 (旧)]
[ https://yongsunyong.wordpress.com/ 杨善勇 - 大题小做,小题不做 (新)]
[ http://wenhui.wordpress.com/ 黄文慧 - Boon Hooi on the Blog : freedom of press ]
[ http://liangcw.blogspot.com/ .Liang - 方块字的空间 ]
[ http://cokebean.blogspot.com/ Cokebean - 。。漂流摇滚日记 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cokebean Cokebean - 不懂。。心 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/azrul Azrulの菜鸟日志 (报界新鲜人的所思所想。) ]
[ http://blog.cari.com.my/citispider/ 戏题派的 博客 ]
[ http://jackieteh.tripod.com/ Jackie Teh - Jackie's Corner ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/jackie/ Jackie Teh - 漫画路 ]
[ http://jackie.blogspirit.com/ Jackie Teh - 一人部落格 ]
[ http://jackieteh.blogspot.com/ Jackie Teh - Jackie's blog ]
[ http://lihherng.blogspot.com/ 郑立恒 - Life is Like a Box of Chocolate!! ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/anguz 安格斯网 - 生活着、思考着 ]
[ http://birdonfire.blogspot.com/ 火鸟 - 笼中鸟 ]
[ http://172vineryroad.spaces.msn.com/ 陈瑞华 - 唯乐尼路172号 ]
[ http://suayhwa-home.blogspot.com/ 陈瑞华 - 忧乐园 ]
[ http://chrohcl.spaces.msn.com/ 玄霖 - ★☆云霖之家☆★ ]
[ http://tanranyuan.blogspot.com/ 李昌元 - 随性坦然,文字园林 ]
[ http://leonsky-my.blogspot.com/ Leon - 天空网文 ]
[ http://agatha2yuan.spaces.msn.com/ Agatha's Story ]
[ http://brightnesswindow.blogspot.com/ Frankie - 光明之窗 ]
[ http://kwanhueyshin.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 慧欣 - 窥看自己 ]
[ http://wengsun85.blogspot.com/ Vincent Wong - 听我讲BALL!!! ]
[ http://wswong.blogspot.com/ Vincent Wong - 有话直说 ]
[ http://pohsee1122.blogspot.com/ Poh See - 诗情话意 ]
[ http://amoeba-album.blogspot.com/ dingyong Law - 02 . Dear Diary - 疯人日记 ]
[ http://hafele.spaces.msn.com/ 陈子豪 - 逍遥客栈 ]
[ http://teochewboy.blogspot.com/ 陈再藩(小曼)部落格 ]
[ http://cpxiaoman.blogspot.com/ 陈再藩@小曼诗藏-- 因为那曾经风清云淡的午后 ]
[ http://cpcartoon.blogspot.com/ 陈再藩@小曼's 漫画 --- 我还真天真过 ]
[ http://marchteochew.blogspot.com/ 陈再藩@三月初三锣鼓响 ]
[ http://24festivedrums.spaces.msn.com/ 陈再藩及陈徽祟 - 廿四节令鼓 ]
[ http://thevoidnotes.org/blog/ Slowie - 徒然之書 ]
[ http://rebinwong.blogspot.com/ Rebin's Blog ]
[ http://arty-arty.blogspot.com/ 蔡长璜 - 艺术艺术 ARTY-ARTY ]
[ http://chaichanghwang.blogspot.com/ 蔡长璜 - 艺文风景 ART SCENE ]
[ http://peipei86.blogspot.com/ 张佩佩 - ~*我绚丽地生活,华丽地呼吸*~ ]
[ http://jacqueline-me.blogspot.com/ 婷 - My Memory 我们小时候 ]
[ http://mindpopping.blogspot.com/ Bob Goh - Welcome to MindPopping! ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/loloh 罗罗 - 24小 诗 不打烊 ]
[ http://ganjianghan.blogs.friendster.com/ 颜江瀚 - Jiang Han's Blog ]
[ http://angelovevil.blogspot.com/ Angel - 天使爱上恶魔 ]
[ http://cklaw70.blogspot.com/ 刘子健 - 剑拔弩张 ]
[ http://pohchuan-art.blogspot.com/ 宝川艺术之孩子的艺术天空 ]
[ http://hushuo8dao.blogspot.com/VoltBo Voltboy - 胡说八道 ]
[ http://waikonglee.blogspot.com/ 李伟江 - 孤身只骑走天下,海阔天空任逍遥!]
[ http://waikonglee2.blogspot.com/ 李伟江 - 拿着火把猜背影的人 ]
[ http://www.mynetcafe.com/ Clement - A Lost Note ]
[ http://tcpcolumn.blogspot.com/ 陈建傧 - 诚柬真言 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=tohtc 杜忠全 - 赤道回声 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=chongkiath 方杰 - 苏格拉屎的艺术日志 ]
[ http://angkukuehblog.blogspot.com/ 红龟糕心情部落 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/galaxypark ~*Stargirl的星际盛宴*~ ]
[ http://ongpauline.blogspot.com/ 宝琳 - 纵使溺水三千,我只取一瓢饮 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.tw/baoluo_ge/ 阿保 - 保洛阁 ]
[ http://minilrong.blogspot.com/ Mini - 感觉孤单 ]
[ http://meijiao.blogspot.com/ 郑梅娇 - meijiao ]
[ http://yuxian-loveislettinggooffear.blogspot.com/ 王妤娴 - 超越恐惧选择爱 Love is letting go of fear ]
[ http://soorussia.blogspot.com/ Russia - 就是想使坏 ]
[ http://mykschan.blogspot.com/ 陈桂生 - 又是另一个部落 ]
[ http://keisonwong.blogspot.com/ Keison Wong - 無題 ]
[ http://tian.keadilanrakyat.org/ 蔡添强簿录 - 生命因选择而存在 ]
[ http://lohchengsun.spaces.live.com/ 骆静山 - 盛世忧思 ]
[ http://nicolelee1114.blogspot.com/ 不静的趴趴熊 - 收集记忆,分享现在,思索未来 ]
[ http://wwf1219.spaces.live.com/ 阿发部落 ]
[ http://janesse.blogspot.com/ Janesse - 祯猪讲 ]
[ http://umun.blogs.friendster.com/ Loke Yew Mun - Dig' n Dug ]
[ http://sczyn.blogs.friendster.com/ Albert de Patistuta 肥言废语部落格 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jiafengchen Chen Jiafeng .: j i a f e n g :. ]
[ http://great-great-sunrise.spaces.live.com/ Great Han - 伟大梦想 ]
[ http://yling1983.blogspot.com/ 霖家女孩 Je m'appelle Yeeling ]
[ http://reporterandyb.blogspot.com/ Hiro - 记者与议员 ]
[ http://keanyeap.blogspot.com/ Hiro - 我见我思 ]
[ http://pcball.blogspot.com/ 李伟康 - 听不到的说话 ]
[ http://blog.pcball.com/ 李伟康 - 康仔乐园 ]
[ http://the-little-corner-space.spaces.live.com/ 胡茗珺 - Hoo说八道~~~~~Life~~~~~ ]
[ http://jiuhukia.wordpress.com/ Bob Lee - ah bob the jiuhukia 欣赏 。欣赏 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sweekuan 林瑞光-八年级生 ]
[ http://meeling.blogspot.com/ Mei Ling - 故事 Corner ]
[ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/kahshookfuikon-womensection 日叻务嘉属会馆妇女组 ]
[ http://mayaostar.spaces.live.com/ 马谣交流站 ]
[ http://zapbalang.blogspot.com/ Pak Guan Teoh - zapbalang ]
[ http://ballyland.blogspot.com/ Regina Foo - 女王的波丽 ]
[ http://wongsiewping.blogspot.com/ 长竹 - 长言竹语 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/detail.jsp?uid=siasekhock 谢锡福 - 学思园 ]
[ http://chenshengyao.blogspot.com/ 跟陈胜尧看问题 ]
[ http://comet1314.blogspot.com/ 东山谭苑 ]
[ http://stillsiuman.spaces.live.com/ 潘宏文 - 小文空间 ]
[ http://www.henstudio.com/blog/ 母鸡工作室与部落格 ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/lepetiteneige/0103 小雪 - C'est la vie ]
[ http://tanteckchin.blogspot.com/ 小针 - 真言集 ]
[ http://awkh.blogspot.com/ 黄锦雄 - [ 黄.氏.私.家.房 ] ]
[ http://auntyjess33.spaces.live.com/ aunty jess - 感恩课室。以感恩的心,点燃孩子的信心。]
[ http://tanhin.blogspot.com/ TANHIN - you see it and you don't ]
[ http://teahui.blogs.friendster.com/th/ Xiao Hui - tIhoOi ]
[ http://padifriends.blogspot.com/ Padi Friends ) ]
[ http://californiacoldkiller.spaces.live.com/ 小轩窗主 - 加州海滩 ]
[ http://gondolier.blogspot.com/ Kuan GC - 自言自语 (旧)]
[ http://gondolier.wordpress.com/ Kuan GC - 自言自语 (新)]
[ http://blog.yam.com/applefume/ 苹香子 - 箱亲箱爱 (旧)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/applefume 苹香子 - 小小箱子小部落 Little Box, Little Blog (新)]
[ http://9394118.blogspirit.com/ Nightraveller - The Taste of Others ]
[ http://winson-pan.spaces.live.com/ WINSON - Your World ]
[ http://cheyangxuan.blogspot.com/ 杨阳 - 澈阳轩 ]
[ http://cheekhoon.blogspot.com/ 李志勤部落 ]
[ http://eklai.blogspot.com/ 阿赖的单身部落 ]
[ http://cschin.blogspot.com/ 陈志成 - 有志者事竟成 ]
[ http://boleh-bolehland.blogspot.com/ BolehLand - 波列国万岁,万万岁...... ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/pony1108 pony1108 - 骑着小马出城遊荡去 (旧)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/pony11082 pony1108 - pony11082 's Blog (新)]
[ http://wsy2006.blogspot.com/ 你怎么说?(时事节目"你怎么说"的交流部落) ]
[ http://www.soundscape-records.com/webzine/ 扩音版图网路杂志 - 独立乐章•无声传播 ]
[ http://redrabit.blogspot.com/ 赤兔 - 红兔大志 (旧)]
[ http://www.redrabit.com/b/ 赤兔 - 红兔大志 (新)]
[ http://www.aifang.info/wordpress/ 阙爱芳 - aifang@Blog ]
[ http://chinsaifong.spaces.live.com/ B612 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/chinsaifong BEAUTIFUL LOSER ]
[ http://sharewithyou.wordpress.com/ 学佛人 - 无事莫把闲话聊,是非往往闲话生 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/funmemories/ Shufen - 人生,沒有彩排 . 用心,活出精彩 . ]
[ http://lifeboard.blogspot.com/ Shufen - 彩色人生 Colourful Life ]
[ http://sookfun.blogspot.com/ Shufen - 行者笔记本 Traveller's Notes ]
[ http://zouyuhui.blogspot.com/ 邹宇晖 - 晖洒自如 ]
[ http://chinwenjye.blogspot.com/ 寻找自己 - 我の生活记录 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/codestiny 华丽 ╳ 腐蚀 ╳ 血迹 ]
[ http://limyangcher.blogspot.com/ Lim Yang Cher - A Blog Of Mine... ]
[ http://www.lll.net.my/readingclub/ 终身学习《悦读部落》]
[ http://10bian.blogspot.com 拾遍十辩 ]
[ http://lifefootprint.blogspot.com/ 湘绣蜻蜓 - 生活小烙印 ]
[ http://ringwolf.blogspot.com/ Ringwolf Chong - 随遇而安 ]
[ http://www.8787.com.my/Blog/ 8787 Double Power Station ]
[ http://stevenkoay.blog.com/ Steven Koay - Stv Space ]
[ http://almondstaff.blogspot.com/ 哑鸽 - 杏仁茶 ]
[ http://ohchien.blogspot.com/ 哑鸽 - 墨友轩 ]
[ http://jasonleng.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 凌国文 - Jason's Blog ]
[ http://ivcmalaysia.blogspot.com/ 全国大专联谊会 Inter-Varsity Council ]
[ http://layken.spaces.live.com/ 陈丽娟 Layken - 城市精灵City fairy ]
[ http://ziyam.blogspot.com/ Ziyam - 过客 ]
[ http://press4freedom.blogspot.com/ 黄进发 - 义不帝秦 Braveheart ]
[ http://bicare.blogspot.com/ 黄进发 & ispirit - Because I care 因为我在乎 ]
[ http://chinhuatw.wordpress.com/ 黄进发 - People are the boss ]
[ http://jianglong.blogspot.com/ 龙@梦 ]
[ http://pklimus.blogspot.com/ Lim Poi Kun - 青蛙国度 ]
[ http://moonhui.blogspot.com/ 郑文辉 - moonhui部落 ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/feiyang 废人思想 废人废扬 ]
[ http://nanyang-etsuko.blogspot.com/ 悦子 - nanyangwave ]
[ http://gzshuzha.blogspot.com/ 阿展的部落 ]
[ http://cwklch.wordpress.com/ ^_^杰杰-部落格-_- ]
[ http://musicpet.multiply.com/ Lee's site ]
[ http://wzchin.spaces.live.com/ Boon Che's space ]
[ http://tjy-88.spaces.live.com/ 勇往直前...... ]
[ http://ilikebluesea.blogspot.com/ 王佩芬 - Blue Sea ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hwtham2003 鸿伟 - 在这里,有欢笑、有快乐、有朝气、有活力 !! ]
[ http://kaifoongkok.blogspot.com/ 郭继锋 - 跟踪一只猫 ]
[ http://metrosdigest.blogspot.com/ Metros' Digest ]
[ http://earthcorp03.blogspot.com/ Sin Hong - sidelights ]
[ http://myworm.blogspot.com/ 飬养的懒虫类 ]
[ http://yiyantang.blog.com/ 冬枫 - 一言堂 ]
[ http://noslenwohc.multiply.com/journal noslenwohc - yinhon,der fotograf : myBlog ]
[ http://dpfs.blogspot.com/ 新纪元维护媒体自由社 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/blog?etsuko1120 悦子ー自由の空 ]
[ http://etsuko1120.spaces.live.com/ 悦子の家 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/leeetsuko 智慧佳人——悦子的家 ]
[ http://jorleena.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/Jorleena Koay - JorL 柔 ]
[ http://leewengwah.blogspot.com/李荣华 - Journey of Life - 生活旅程 ]
[ http://teopag.blogspot.com/张栢源 - TPG's Log ]
[ http://cheehowteo.blogspot.com/张志豪 - Lonely northern hemisphere ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/sunlimy/钟珊丽 - 不愿告诉人的秘密† ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/sinmin/李升民 - Sin Min's Spaces ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cythefish cythefish - Alone in love ]
[ http://www.layching.com/ Jayce Lee Lay Ching - 别人眼中 我不是我 ]
[ http://yi2yu4.blogspot.com/ Yi Yu - 鱼 ]
[ http://cheehowteo.blogspot.com/ Lim Yeetat - 一个漂流在海外的伤心人 ]
[ http://lateseeker.blogs.friendster.com/ Late Seeker ]
[ http://davidngui.blogspot.com/ David Ngui - 后现代电影院 ]
[ http://shootasky.blogspot.com/ 苏欧达 - SODA ]
[ http://yawshin.blogspot.com/ 黄耀昕 - 道听途说 ]
[ http://www.thelife.com.my/memberPage.php?userid=marilynmanson marilynmanson ]
[ http://jbchamberchoir.blogspot.com/ 新山室内合唱团 Johor Bahru Chamber Choir ]
[ http://hckeong.blogspot.com/ 何智强 - 童叟无欺 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/listenyourheart 文彬 决不是 文质彬彬!]
[ http://jackyeap.blogsome.com/ 叶礼胜 - 断知此事要躬行 - JOurney to the TRuth ]
[ http://fookwah.blogspot.com/ 福华部落 (旧)]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/fookwah/ 福华 - 我的黑眼圈 (新)]
[ http://skypearlstory.blogspot.com/ Star Ghost - 天珠 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/song26 song_4ever ]
[ http://youzicase.blogspot.com/ Just call me 幽子~ (旧)]
[ http://youzi.kukuchew.com/ Just call me 幽子~ (旧)]
[ http://youzi.emuse.cc/ Just call me 幽子~ (新)]
[ http://kiankeat.blogsome.com/ 李建杰 - Delicate to Life ]
[ http://kiankeat.disagrees.net/ 李建杰 - 悠悠我心 (新)]
[ http://necmdmx.blogspot.com/ 地下司令 - 没大媒小 ]
[ http://hei-bao.blogspot.com/ 黑报 ]
[ http://fannychew.blogspot.com/ 周小芳 - the wonderful world ]
[ http://yiqiang1.blogspot.com/ 郑屹强 - 浩瀚的天空 ]
[ http://yinying7.blogspot.com/ 盈颖 - 1984 ]
[ http://tankarhing.blogspot.com/ 陈家兴 - 星星之火 ]
[ http://bernerdwky83.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 黄健毅 - 我的言论空间间]
[ http://cheryllee84.blogs.friendster.com/cheryls_stories/李欣仪 - cHeRyL's Stories ]
[ http://teahui.blogs.friendster.com/th/ 梁棣惠ƒ - TiHooi says... ]
[ http://forever_suan.blogs.friendster.com/ 彦璇 Forever Suan ]
[ http://mvs78.blogspot.com/ 新怡 - 预约幸福 ]
[ http://stephanietay199.blogspot.com/ 晶文 - 晶莹空间~~纯净透明,却易碎~~ ]
[ hhttp://stephanie_199.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 晶文 - Stephanie's Blog 贝儿的心灵驿站 ]
[ http://bernhan.multiply.com/ 吴佳翰 - Jia Han's Site ]
[ http://ahnui.blogspot.com/ 严居汉 - 随你心情而停留 (旧) ]
[ http://keehan514.blogspot.com/ ahnui - 随你心情而停留(新)]
[ http://dushuhui.blogspot.com/ Prawn - 温馨书坊读书会 ]
[ http://yuzhenteo.blogspot.com/ 愉愚真世界Fishyu~World ]
[ http://mysinmy.blogspot.com/ 清凉看人间 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/mysinmy 清凉看人间 ]
[ http://drummer94.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 终之序~大洪世说新语 ]
[ http://leyasen.blogspot.com/ 天鹅之歌 ]
[ http://vincent.ccoplus.com/ 郑永森 - 天上人间 Down To Earth ]
[ http://lazyteo.lifelogger.com/ 巴生 lazyteo ]
[ http://limwooitee.blogspot.com/ 我是林韦地 ]
[ http://neonplanet.blogspot.com/ neonplanet - Stuck In Reverse ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/feiyi 风の翼 - 飞翼の岛 ]
[ http://seasonchee.blogspot.com/ seasonc - single diary ]
[ http://nightkid19.spaces.live.com/ nightkid19 - 最熟悉的陌生人 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/zooooker/ ZooooKER'S Zoo (旧)]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/zooooker ZooooKER'S Zoo (新)]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/nomoreads nomoreads - 还有人看广告吗?(新)]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/nomoreads 事实真相 ]
[ http://tingyigege.spaces.live.com/ Tee Ting Yi ~魂牵今生,梦绕来世~ ]
[ http://wolfpriest.blogspot.com/ 笨狼教主 ]
[ http://micodice.wordpress.com/ Micodice。文玄 ]
[ http://i1freedom.blogspot.com/ 失衡天秤 - 在失衡天秤上彳亍 (旧)]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/19820928/ 失衡天秤 - 在失衡天秤上彳亍 (旧)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/i1freedom 失衡天秤 - 在失衡天秤上彳亍(新)]
[ http://verawong.wordpress.com/ Vera 菠萝油公主 ]
[ http://ongnotebook.blogspot.com/ 王俊龙的笔记本 ]
[ http://munch870217.blogs.friendster.com/ Eric's 部落格---星夜骑士 ]
[ http://blog.roodo.com/mistacar/ 车 ‧ 太 炫 | Mista Car ]
[ http://www.blurty.com/~livz livz - ROOM #402 ]
[ http://odetorei.blogspot.com/ OdeToRei - AN iVIED COLUMN ]
[ http://blog.zhenpei.com/ 陈振培 - 理性的背后 ]
[ http://benbookedah.blogspot.com/ benboo Kedah ]
[ http://ceyong.blogspot.com/ 杨子佑 - 狮王嘶吼,梵音震撼 ]
[ http://joyvoyage.blogspot.com/ 杉 - 生活报告 ]
[ http://weichet.blogspot.com/ 何人可 - hoo'ray see true ]
[ http://blog.roodo.com/lmmanuel/ 潘永杰 - 大地跳蚤 ]
[ http://bowen200.spaces.live.com/ 博文 - 赤道风情 ]
[ http://peklay.spaces.live.com/ Pek Lay - 文字拼图 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/sabun 孙文部落 ]
[ http://waziheng.spaces.live.com/ 王慧仪 - 和蛙一起来思考。。。。 ]
[ http://www.kennyp.cn/ KennyP’s Blog ]
[ http://dreamland1106.blogspot.com/ Hui Yee - 寻梦园 ]
[ http://poppysmily.blogspot.com/ poppysmily - PoppysmilEE ]
[ http://foukua.blogspot.com/ mingming - ...:::浮夸^^在晴朗的一天...(旧) ]
[ http://lazzzzzzzzyypig.blogspot.com/ mingming - 懒朱(新) ]
[ http://cherrykoay.blogspot.com/ Cherry Koay - Slice of My Life ]
[ http://s8j.blogspirit.com/ S8j - 只要将你的左耳往左肩上靠,那你就会看到我的笑脸。。。]
[ http://tumi2.blogspot.com/ tumi - 开到荼蘼花事了 ]
[ http://huaicheng.blogspot.com 怀成堂成团 - 怀成部落格 ]
[ http://www.vrxueji.com/blog/area739 尚骏 - 739地带 ]
[ http://soonber.7blog.net/ 吴仲顺 - 因为它在那里 I ]
[ http://www.ngchongsoon.com/ 吴仲顺 - 因为它在那里 II]
[ http://weyjin0420.blogs.friendster.com/ 张溦紟 - 溦紟在台北 未尽在学习 ]
[ http://biaomin.lifelogger.com/ 王彪民◎lifelogger ]
[ http://kamdezheng.blogspot.com/ 甘德政 - 阿甘的窝 ]
[ http://wenzijunnu.blogspot.com/ 文字君女 ]
[ http://vertion.spaces.live.com/ 龙辉 - 不同,就是不同 (旧) ]
[ http://vertion.blogspot.com/ 龙辉 - 万事只有起头难 (新)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lidayho 何丽蝶 - 我的手写日记 ]
[ http://donlim.wordpress.com/ Don 方 之猪 ]
[ http://hlfoo.blogspot.com/ 胡海亮 - 无间空间 ]
[ http://thoo2.blogspot.com/ Josephine - 饮食.男女 ]
[ http://aboutmysecretgarden.blogspot.com/ 秘密花园 ]
[ http://yaphq.blogspot.com/ 叶夏贵 - 夏语贵言 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/yqhome 宇晴 - YQhome 永远放晴的安乐窝 ]
[ http://hui_wooi.mysinablog.com/ Chee Hooi - 威部落 ]
[ http://hooi1983.spaces.live.com/ Chee Hooi' Blog ]
[ http://zhongjinhong.mysinablog.com/ 钟进鸿 - 阿寞空间 ]
[ http://ktjacky2000.mysinablog.com/ 千里马 - 一粒都不能少 ]
[ http://alfredleedunhill.blogs.friendster.com/alfredo_blog/ Alfred Lee 's Blog ]
[ http://liewteckleong-jitjitluluetling.blogspot.com/ 刘德梁 - "艺术"急急如律令 ]
[ http://meiyeearthouseecoart.blogspot.com/ 刘德梁 - 美艺画苑"生态艺术"教育 ]
[ http://keykok.blogspot.com/ keykok - 曾聒 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hwtham2003 谭鸿伟 - 心情. 文字. 星空 ]
[ http://xiaotao7.spaces.live.com/ 李政贤 - 小桃心情笔记 ]
[ http://cblog.cari.com.my/?167007 hbbs88 - 在家创业的个人空间 ]
[ http:/sinharmonica.blogspot.com/ 欣琴笔记]
[ http://zhoujiahui.blogspot.com/ 周嘉惠 - Personal Thoughts ]
[ http://ignorantspeaker.blogspot.com/ 刘明星 - Ignorant Speaker ]
[ http://love-epl.blogspot.com/ EPL - 忆笔要 ]
[ http://saujun.blogspot.com/ saujun - 潇洒走一回 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jijitankyy 陈衍宇 - 向那爱的珊瑚海前进 ]
[ http://mayshy.wordpress.com/ Jen@mayshy@麻纱 - 泡沫幻影 Bubble illusion life ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/stellachng Stella Ch'ng - 史特拉与比利时的天空 ]
[ http://dami719.blogspot.com/ 大米的网络日记 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/cielteng 胡月仑 - 胡游仑语 ]
[ http://kooek.blogspot.com/ 顾兴光 - 顾记客栈 ]
[ http://catherinechan.blogspot.com/ 萍凡女子 - 萍水相逢 ]
[ http://yonle.blogspot.com/ 泳乐's 网络世界 ]
[ http://yrshow.blogspot.com/ 芸若 - 若隐若现 ]
[ http://ahcuweekly.blogspot.com/ 阿粗周记 ]
[ http://yanchu.blogspot.com/ 彦祖 - 彦祖屋 ]
[ http://freedom-malaysia.blogspot.com/ 陈福煜 - 自由大马 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1261316494 周于飞 - 于飞的BLOG ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/tommynjsi 西西敲日记 (旧) ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/xixi 西西敲日记 (新) ]
[ http://www.jenicelee.com/ 李映霞与莲花苑行动党 ]
[ http://no9.kilu2.de/wordpress/ 门牌9号 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/moderndad 摩登老爹 ]
[ http://dadparadise.blogspot.com/ 【老爹**~**幸福乐园】]
[ http://blog.pixnet.net/moderndad [肺话] 老爹爱说 ]
[ http://neuzealand.blogspot.com/ Bob Goh - 《长白云之乡》~我的移民之路 ]
[ http://earnyee.blogspot.com/ earnyee.tuan - Am@zing Grace... ]
[ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/gladys-tsw ☆★GLADYS公主の幸福宮殿★☆ ]
[ http://ourraisondetre.blogspot.com/ 惟芯 - My raison d'être ]
[ http://limcd.blogspot.com/ limcd - 森林 ]
[ http://jessgowi.blogspot.com/ 魏育婷 - 孕育的心情,婷留的回憶 ]
[ http://leeling79.blogspot.com/ 玲玲 - 碎碎念 ]
[ http://drboochenghau.blogspot.com/ 巫程豪部落格 ]
[ http://chianping.blogspot.com/ 无影则人 ]
[ http://wmfai.blogspot.com/ 黄明辉 - 不吐不快 ]
[ http://donpeh.spaces.live.com/ 白建明 - U complete me ]
[ http://deworld.blogs.friendster.com/ shiu in - deWorld ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/shiuin shiu in - 因为爱 。 所以爱 ]
[ http://edeneve.blogspot.com/ 夏娃 - 伊甸园 ]
[ http://zhzy.blogspot.com/ jinchuah - 之乎者也 ]
[ http://kh7883.blogspot.com/ 吉华国民型中学校友 - 在禾中央 ]
[ http://meizi0306.spaces.live.com/ 美子的异想世界 ]
[ http://mayablog-wwwabjection.blogspot.com/ Mayablog - Abjection ]
[ http://mayablog-nomadism.blogspot.com/ Mayablog - nomadism ]
[ http://chaiyuweng.blogspot.com/ 蔡怡雯部落 ]
[ http://floodyonmovies.blogspot.com/ 傅向紅 - FLOODY on MOVIES ]
[ http://floodymedia.blogspot.com/ 傅向紅 - FLOODY on MEDIA ]
[ http://floodypol.blogspot.com/ 傅向紅 - FLOODY on POLITICS ]
[ http://floodygender.blogspot.com/ 傅向紅 - FLOODY on GENDER ]
[ http://dasein1.blogspot.com/ December - 人在江湖 ]
[ http://1ofdasein.blogspot.com/ December - 1ofDasein ]
[ http://hooifoon.blogspot.com/ Hooi Foon - words of life ]
[ http://vincent83.blogs.friendster.com/ DJ^ViNcEnT's~2525 Blog ]
[ http://www.vrxueji.com/blog/yuik yuik - dream of's DESIGN ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sfchoo 晓芬 - 心情芬想说 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/xian1 杨佳贤 - 贤情忆志 ]
[ http://soopakleong.blogspot.com/ Soo Pak Leong & yon_loy - Green Utopia ]
[ http://siewching99sunshine.spaces.live.com/ 秀出贞我 ]
[ http://jupiterearth.blogspot.com/ Kinhaya - 木星躺在地球 ]
[ http://tenge5.spaces.live.com/ 浴水凤凰 - 悲愤年代的爱 ]
[ http://tangleehong.blogspot.com/ Leehong - 峰画室 ]
[ http://asimplewoman.blogspot.com/ A Simple Woman's World 小女人的世界 ]
[ http://namewee.blogspot.com/ 我的名字叫明志 ]
[ http://sanyueyu.spaces.live.com/ 淡淡三月 - 享受生活,畅所欲言 ]
[ http://story-ywy.blogspot.com/ 仪 - 故事 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ymmtokai 青运多皆支会 ]
[ http://mcatokai.blogspot.com/ 马华多皆支会 ]
[ http://as3h.blogspot.com/ 亚罗士打野兔俱乐部 ]
[ http://jitsin123.blogspot.com/ 日新华乐团部落格 ]
[ http://kedahyouth.blogspot.com/ 吉打州华人大会堂青年团 ]
[ http://lively-baby.blogspot.com/ 向往自由的师奶 - 宁静致远 ]
[ http://parenting-life.blogspot.com/ 梁妈妈的亲子故事 ]
[ http://9394118.blogspirit.com/ The taste of others ]
[ http://yennyholic.blogspot.com/ Yenny - 燕燕一席 ]
[ http://jesseltonsabah.blogspot.com/ Jesselton - 在爵士顿‧漫步 ]
[ http://zhanglaoda.blogspot.com/ 老大看大马 ]
[ http://jinkeanlim.blogspot.com/ 林楗仁 - 4896 (旧)]
[ http://www.4896kj.com/4896 林楗仁 - 4896 (新)]
[ http://jinkeanlim-journey.blogspot.com/ 林楗仁 - Journeying (旧)]
[ http://jinkeanlim-journey.blogspot.com/ 林楗仁 - Journeying (新)]
[ http://ngtianhann.blogspot.com/ 黄天汉 - 从「导演攻作室」下班后… ]
[ http://ngtianhann.lifelogger.com/ 黄天汉的 LOG ]
[ http://shiapaksow.blogspot.com/ 谢伯校 - 江沙 ]
[ http://wuyilun.spaces.live.com/ 吴以伦 - Hidup Hidup!Hidup Rakyat!!!人民万岁!!! ]
[ http://youqingxuan.blogspot.com/ 小女人 - *~悠晴轩~* ]
[ http://www.vrxueji.com/blog/citycorner 城市的角落 ]
[ http://blackinn.blogspot.com/ 掌橱历史 - 凸堕落客栈凸 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/czy85 草言说语 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/chenyi92 陈仪 - 美国生活点滴&心灵故事 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joanhebe 杨英柔爱SHE和老婆陈仪&生活的轨迹 ]
[ http://ginielim.wordpress.com/ 林秀凌 - Bloginie ]
[ http://lemontea204.blogspot.com/ 柠檬茶氏 - LeMontEA ]
[ http://extramplification.blogspot.com/ 陈富雄 - My amplification ]
[ http://nucifera.wordpress.com/ nucifera - My Arabesque ]
[ http://dericgan.spaces.live.com/ 大马颜永祺的空间 当ⓓ众ⓔ的ⓡ孤ⓘ独ⓒ ]
[ http://faguo.blogspot.com/ Bee - 人在法国布列塔尼 ]
[ http://masterzhong.blogspot.com/ 无奈大师部落格 (简)]
[ http://masterchung.blogspot.com/ 无奈大师部落格 (繁)]
[ http://celeste1278.blogspot.com/ Celestial_star - celestial ]
[ http://jeelingshan.blogspot.com/ 蝎紫的凌度孤城 ]
[ http://sheyingren.blogspot.com/ 小川 - 摄 . 记 ]
[ http://wangxiaojie.blogspot.com/ 王小姐的生活日记 ]
[ http://masterlim.blogspot.com/ Master Lim - 一个人 ]
[ http://jieyee.blogspot.com/ 解语的世界 ]
[ http://bearbearsky.blogspot.com/ 小新 - 幸福.com ]
[ http://wulunruhe.blogspot.com/ 无论如何 ]
[ http://qqbook.blogspot.com/ qqbook - 客舍卿卿,柳色新 ]
[ http://tinnytan.blogspot.com/ 快乐小馆 - 楚梵天地 ]
[ http://xianteh.blogspot.com/ 闲人 - 等闲之辈 ]
[ http://iceicebox.blogspot.com/ 冰格 ]
[ http://cigarettesjo.spaces.live.com/ 灰盒子 ]
[ http://ltw.blogs.friendster.com Bryan - My Blog ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/yucatie Yin - Yu Ca TiE ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/junlaw 刘峻宾的步裸阁 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ooleanhooi ooleanhooi - 我爱生活 ]
[ http://suahai85.spaces.live.com/ suahai - KaTak ]
[ http://leenunu531.spaces.live.com/ leenunu - 爱很简单故事集 ]
[ http://shewyean.multiply.com/ shewyean - yean's ]
[ http://circle84.spaces.live.com/ 缘的琐碎记忆楼 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cheahwoon cheahwoon - 归去,也无风雨也无晴 ]
[ http://www.oui-blog.com/grandia/ Janny Lee - Grandia's Blog ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ahkheng Ah Kheng - 你今天微笑了吗? ]
[ http://summer-yeelee.blogspot.com/ yeelee - 红红的太阳 ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/belle Belle - 贝多芬的情人 ]
[ http://pfg1group.blogspot.com/ pfg1group - the more I know, the more I don't know ]
[ http://home.myemage.com/FirstDayCover/ 首日封的个人首页 ]
[ http://kcyu.lifelogger.com/ kc yu 's blog ]
[ http://kcyu.blogspot.com/ 余根进 - 我来跟进 ]
[ http://www.peppysquare.com/ Peppy, Oh, 皮皮!!! ]
[ http://mlieng.blogspot.com/ 王序 - 平凡中的快乐 ]
[ http://otakuarea.wordpress.com/ OTAKU AREA | 御宅族 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/lefung 集邮快乐风 ]
[ http://meichik.blogspot.com/ meichik's Blog ]
[ http://www.dunplayplay.com/ DunPlayPlay马来西亚部落格 ]
[ http://johnny-ong.blogspot.com/ Life's Happenings ]
[ http://www.antcyc.com/teohyj/ 张友键 - ~ 江湖笑 ~ ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/risaki/ Reina - 游鱼卷 ]
[ http://ray877.blogspot.com/ rayden - 开始 ]
[ http://www.szeping.com/ 思斌的部落格 ]
[ http://www.cendol.info/ WiasHO - Cendol.Info ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/dylan0505 梁祐诚 - 全城部落 (旧)]
[ http://www.wanita.net/ipeople/dylan/blog/ 梁祐诚 - 全城部落(新)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/davidsay1024 轩豪 - 一个人的畅所轩言 ]
[ http://moretivator.wordpress.com/ 刘丞轩 - the MORETIVATOR® | 有种激励 ]
[ http://missytlc.blogspot.com Lee Chin - Yes, it's me! ]
[ http://nanyangkohkw.blogspot.com/ 野渡无人舟自横 - 金戈铁马 ]
[ http://blog.pixnet.net/kacaubird 卡乔鸟的翱翔空间 ~ 青色森林探险之旅 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/ddsymy 淡淡三月,淡淡的心情~ ]
[ http://v8-studio.blogspot.com/ 林伟峰 - V8-Studio ]
[ http://www.aunwoei.com/ 我是伟哥 ]
[ http://220486.blogspot.com/ lym - sp@ce st@tion ]
[ http://freedomhoong805.spaces.live.com/ hoong仔's space ]
[ http://firefoxjack.spaces.live.com/ 火狐的部落格 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kokhc 慧琪 - HuiChi ]
[ http://oceanlum.wordpress.com/ 蓝志锋 - 浩瀚的海洋@锋言风雨 ]
[ http://myknowledge2u.blogspot.com/ Jason Tan - My Knowledge Sharing (knowledge2u)]
[ http://shubenshuben.blogspot.com/ ET - ET Philosophy ]
[ http://doraemeisan.blogspot.com/ doraemeisan - baila los erechos humanos ]
[ http://ellentiew.blogspot.com/ ellentiew - Dolphin Paradise 海豚天堂 ]
[ http://feliex622.blogspot.com/ Feliex -【不能说的·秘密】 ]
[ http://leechingg.spaces.live.com/ Lee ChiNg - 蝴蝶飞了 ]
[ http://chinesewebpower.blogspot.com/ 全球支援黄明志行动 ]
[ http://antinamewee.blogspot.com/ 我的明志可明智? ]
[ http://lingsiangsheng.spaces.live.com/ 详圣的部落格 ]
[ http://geruike80.blogspot.com/ 葛瑞克的日记 ]
[ http://chunhong11271991.blogspot.com/ 0ooChun Hongoo0 - 王子不是帅哥 ]
[ http://bbmoviereview.blogspot.com/ BB COMMUNITY - 宝贝影评 ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/greenappou pOu© 苹果X香水.....]
[ http://summerdeice.blogspot.com/ 四季。仲夏 の 白色驿站 ]
[ http://tune-media.blogspot.com/ Tune Media 凸媒体 ]
[ http://mcaygen.blogspot.com/ MCA Young Generation ]
[ http://eefui.blogspot.com/ eefui ]
[ http://www.mskydream.com/diary.html 两个人的旅行 ]
[ http://fuilien.blogspot.com/ fuilien - Fui Lien's eye ]
[ http://lmf28.blogspot.com/ Lmf@虚拟空间 ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/sheecheong/ 他们叫我阿梦 ]
[ http://heimama.blogspot.com/ 黑妈妈宝贝事记 ]
[ http://angjs.blogspot.com/ JS - 同一个星空下 ]
[ http://tehtatseng.blogspot.com/ Teh Tat Seng - I1U (I Want You)]
[ http://birdmilk.spaces.live.com/blog Jerry Ng's Blog ]
[ http://tsshing.blogspot.com/ Soo Shing - 素言馨语 ]
[ http://colourful-sibu.blogspot.com/ HumorPic - 诗巫的色彩故事! ]
[ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/clp-78 曾丽萍 - 无人状态 ]
[ http://iriskky.blogspot.com/ Ice's Corner ]
[ http://happikt.blogspot.com/ Kat's Happy Corner ]
[ http://yy-mylifediary.blogspot.com/ 歪歪理财记事本 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/easyyx/ lcoon81 - I possess; I'm not possessed~ ]
[ http://lcoon.blogspot.com/ lcoon81 - 礼轻情意重 ]
[ http://www.abunene.com/ Dream iT.iIVE It ]
[ http://tanwanmei.blogspot.com/ 陈婉媚 - 陈腔新调 ]
[ http://andruswong.blogspot.com/ 安德鲁 - 飞花轻似梦 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/malaysia 马来西亚社会的事实真相 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/sunyaa Sunyaa's World ]
[ http://um-election.blospot.com 马大2007年校园选举快报 ]
[ http://niufuzhi.blogspot.com/ 牛夫子 - 医人医语 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/peibeikhoo 邱琲钧 - PB 文件夾 ]
[ http://memolynn.blogspot.com/ 林佩盈 - BitterSweet Memolynn ]
[ http://foreversound.spaces.live.com/ 高坤翠 - THE VOICE OF GLASS ]
[ http://quekngeemeng.blogspot.com/ 郭义民 - 义不容辞 ]
[ http://mingstudio.blogspot.com/ 哇哈哈 ]
[ http://myfaithinbuddhism.blogspot.com/ 郑达成 - Buddhism ]
[ http://mynaturalhealing.blogspot.com/ 郑达成 - Natural Healing, 自然复原 ]
[ http://skyblue-girl.blogspot.com/ Skyblue 夏天记忆库 ]
[ http://umxiangsheng.blogspot.com/ 马大相声网 ]
[ http://taekwondogtf.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚跆拳道部落格 ]
[ http://yutingyuan.blogspot.com/ 林恩霆 - 雨廷园 ]
[ http://hanako-no-sekai.blogspot.com/ H@naKo - 花言草语]
[ http://stevelee7.blogspot.com/ 李政贤 - 贤话家常 ]
[ http://life-sketch-2.blogspot.com/ 思想人生小品 ]
[ http://cy-ang.blogspot.com/ ang ang 空间。。。串起你我之间 ]
[ http://joke-ang.blogspot.com/ 笑话一箩筐 ]
[ http://cutehao23.spaces.live.com/ 美少妇 ]
[ http://cheeling6.yculblog.com/ 智玲 - IQ0 ]
[ http://lolitalk.wordpress.com/ 小Loli的笑言|Loli’s talk ]
[ http://chunchek.blogspot.com/ chun chek - 我的空间 ]
[ http://preciousmoment2209.blogspot.com/ 讲东讲西 ]
[ http://lengnlan.blogspot.com/ Always Leng - 疯 ]
[ http://t3st12e.blogspot.com/ 陈奕佑 - 江湖事迹 I ]
[ http://blog.laivah.com/yihyew 陈奕佑 - 江湖事迹 II ]
[ http://ziyino.blogspot.com/ ziyino - 你。我。他 ]
[ http://foongmood.blogspot.com/ 阿冯 - 心田 ]
[ http://onlyforlion.blogspot.com/ fish - 只说给你听 ]
[ http://memorydance.blogspot.com/ fish - 与回忆共舞 ]
[ http://lovewhisper.blogspot.com/ fish - **爱的小语** ]
[ http://starfishstory.blogspot.com/ fish - 来,听我说故事。。。。 ]
[ http://westoftheborder.blogspot.com/ West of the Border ]
[ http://masked-optimus.blogspot.com/ 蒙面擎天柱 ]
[ http://jakekfc.blogspot.com/ Jake@番薯田地 ]
[ http://qneely.blogspot.com/ . ]
[ http://wawazi.blogspot.com/ 哇蛙子部落格 ]
[ http://watchnewsdog.blogspot.com/ 看门狗 ]
[ http://monstercct.blogspot.com/ Monster's Cave ]
[ http://daplipsuan.blogspot.com/ 林立选 - DAPlipsuan ]
[ http://bright-i.blogspot.com/ Bright - I ]
[ http://jamesteohart.blogspot.com/ James Teoh Art ]
[ http://shirls.wordpress.com/ 雪芬 - 四海为家 From Far South to Far North ]
[ http://760724.blogspot.com/ 荒涼 。儒 部落 ]
[ http://www.klsreview.com/ 蓝中华 - 吉隆坡安全评论 ]
[ http://kayhean.blogspot.com/ kayhean - 哇唔哉啦...搁是困卡好啦 ]
[ http://nomorecung.blogspot.com/ 就是有一天聪明 - 有一天聪明 ]
[ http://langmangmusic.blogspot.com/ 流氓乐队 - 流氓的我 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/chooihar Under the KL Sun ]
[ http://pcc-serdang.blogspot.com/ PCC生命的见证 ]
[ http://liciasecret.blogspot.com/ 叶蓓怡 - 怡阅挥毫•我的梦想 ]
[ http://www.designeractivity.com/ Ah Liaw - designeractivity.com ]
[ http://www.bestloveart.com/blog/ Rin - best.LOVE.art ]
[ http://tch860.blogspot.com/ 陈志鸿 - 爱有千万身 ]
[ http://seethocheeseong.blogspot.com/ 司徒旨祥 - 百般感慨(旧)]
[ http://blog.twilight-zones.com/ 司徒旨祥 - 善与恶之间 ]
[ http://www.cheeseong.com/blog/ 司徒旨祥 - cheeseong.com ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/queensdiary QueenD - 不必在乎我是谁 ]
[ http://shukuen7788.blogspot.com/ Seaw - eVeRyThInG for m3 iS a LiL' bIt ]
[ http://chunyong.blogspot.com/ J.R.Qiu - Br@vo俊子一言 ]
[ http://iishi11.blogspot.com/ 石井步... ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/weesiewtiong weesiewtiong - 射手座的左手 ]
[ http://woodhouseinmind.blogspot.com/ 天涯海角万里星空出一间小木屋 ]
[ http://autocatharsis.blogspot.com/ 自我宣泄 AUTOCATHARSIS ]
[ http://xweing.blogspot.com/ Xweing Away! ]
[ http://sally8864.blogspot.com/ 〖春夏秋冬〗【四季旺季】 ]
[ http://earthexplodeorg.blogspot.com/ EarthExplode.Org Blog ]
[ http://ngyianshia.blogspot.com/ 小虾 - 空间的独白 ]
[ http://june.mamak.info/ 六月星夜记忆时光机 ]
[ http://www.thoo2.net/ HungryPrettyMonster 美丽饿魔 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/YiJiangGuangYing 记得一江光影 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/luvyx4ever 因为有你,幸福近在一厘米 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joycehyc *_* Joyce's Diary *_* ]
[ http://yapboonhau.blogspot.com/ A Lawyer's Dairy ]
[ http://khinghong.blogspot.com/ Khing Hong With You ]
[ http://wander-wonder-land.blogspot.com/ Jacklyn NXY - W@NDER-LAND ]
[ http://kepomalaysia.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚爱国鸡婆联盟 ]
[ http://politicalpoems.blogspot.com/ 郑云城 - 云城的政治诗 ]
[ http://guannianshoushu.blogspot.com/ 郑云城 - 观念手术 ]
[ http://joanne9117yong.blogspot.com/ 一根草一滴露 ]
[ http://thepplway.blogspot.com/ ~思想~thought~fikir~ ]
[ http://fast0811.blogspot.com/ 《还我新闻自由0811快闪族》 ]
[ http://inbetweenconfusion.blogspot.com/ lkf - 惑与不惑之间 ]
[ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/clp-78 clp-78 - 无人状态 ]
[ http://shealichew.blogspot.com/ 雪莉 - 雪上加双 ]
[ http://www.pewaju.org/ 记协网 - 槟城中文报记者及摄影记者协会网站 ]
[ http://sabahtalks.blogspot.com/ 李少荣 - My Say ]
[ http://slyvia23hasegawa.blogspot.com/ Slyvia - 开心就好 ]
[ http://slyvia-blue86.spaces.live.com/ Slyvia - * ~HAPPY FOREVER ~ * ^_^ ]
[ http://yeecorner.blogspot.com 怡 - 大城小思 ]
[ http://www.go2wellington.com/ 大马华人生活在威灵顿,纽西兰 ]
[ http://www.92088.net/ 博客 92088 ]
[ http://owen-yap.blogspot.com/ 叶剑锋 - 遇 。剑 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/weilong_blog 曾维龙 - 叶隐者 ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/leeliping/ 百合仙子 ]
[ http://malaysian-bloggers-directory.blogspot.com/ Malaysian Blogger Directory ]
[ http://iyungwei.blogspot.com I, Yungwei ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/weishze WeiShze - 365天 12个月里 24个小时 我一直都在 ]
[ http://abaoophoto.blogspot.com 阿包摄影空间 ]
[ http://angwoeishang.blogspot.com/ 洪伟翔 - 翱翔天际 ]
[ http://leafmustardseed.blogspot.com/ 保罗 - 芥菜种 ]
[ http://caridigest.blogspot.com/ Cari Digest 佳礼文摘 ]
[ http://www.antzblog.com/nelson 梁孙康 - 孙康说 ]
[ http://blueriver123.blogspot.com/ 湖水正蓝 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/teoengching 张颖群 - 为民主把脉·政治部落格 ]
[ http://puakiamwee.blogspot.com/ 潘俭伟 - 家国思索 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/teonieching 张念群 - 念念不忘 ]
[ http://angelyeo.blogspot.com/ Angel Yeo - 美丽的一生 ]
[ http://fanyafu.blogspot.com/ 雅福 - 我只是范范之辈。。。]
[ http://vincentcho25.blogspot.com/ PARADISE | 自己·字迹 | ]
[ http://k2lee.blogspot.com/ 吖十的道理 ]
[ http://jiankaogudidai.blogspot.com/ 吉安考古地带 ]
[ http://www.antzblog.com/xyuan 星緣 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ylsian 仙闲驿站 ]
[ http://www.wyffgoal.com/ 伟业的博客之旅 ]
[ http://foreverlui.blogspot.com/ Forever HL 永远的幻* 蕾 ]
[ http://keidou.multiply.com 豆店老板娘 ]
[ http://vemma-malaysia-bc.blogspot.com/ 财富自主、健康身体、和谐生活 ]
[ https://yhsam.wordpress.com/ 只是一些东东 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/SimanSay 小鱼儿游泳教室 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jeslyn ~*jeslyn 美世子の部屋*~ ]
[ http://www.inbetweenchloe.com/wordpress/ 反正那束花也已经凋零 ]
[ http://yenhong90.blogspot.com/ 燕子飞越彩虹 ]
[ http://chinhing.blogspot.com/ 展兴博客 ]
[ http://staryouth7.blogspot.com/ 星火争鸣 ]
[ http://mca-malaysia.blogspot.com/ Kok Chin - 政治四度空间 ]
[ http://www.puzzle-blog.net/blog/budXflower/ 蕊中没有花@这里却可看到花+乌龟 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/nickyhs ~心情涂鸦站~ Nicky ]
[ http://dema2u.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚青年及学生民主运动(学运) 旧版 ]
[ http://demamalaysia.wordpress.com/ 马来西亚青年及学生民主运动(学运) 新版 ]
[ http://peoplevoice.wordpress.com/ 人民之声 ]
[ http://ccliew.blogspot.com/ CCLIEW ]
[ http://article-interchange.blogspot.com/ 聚文楼 - Malaysia Today 中文译文 ]
[ http://leea185.spaces.live.com/ 我心 ]
[ http://www.truequalitylife.com/ 姿彩人生 ]
[ http://www.chincheekin.com/ 快乐关键 ]
[ http://taipingman.blogspot.com/ 狼皮羔羊部落 ]
[ http://kfcdelicious.blogspot.com/ KfC~d3LiCiOuS! ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/eddiechang 庄德志 - 唯心乐园望风楼 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/wpyian 就是阿恩的家 ]
[ http://nn2j8oq.blogspot.com/ 不是HL牛奶 - 咖啡@臻 ]
[ http://littlebelle.blogspot.com/ Belle - 玲感来了 ]
[ http://www.antzblog.com/killingfish 属鱼部落 ]
[ http://yingandrubberstamping.blogspot.com/ Creative and Stamping ]
[ http://vintagemomying.blogspot.com/ vintagemom ]
[ http://kbhuang.blogspot.com/ 黄高弼 - 和您分享 ]
[ hhttp://wongkb.blogspot.com/ 尊友合唱团 - 活动 ]
[ http://www.antzblog.com/coolingsky Coolingsky 冰之颖 - 薰依草朴园 ]
[ http://limbeetat.spaces.live.com/ 懒人の部落格 ]
[ http://andrew.mylovepress.com/blog 结庐居 ]
[ http://chshai.wordpress.com/ 蔡青翰- 害羞地说 ]
[ http://hersketchbook.blogspot.com/ 吴惠恩 - @踏踏寻寻.寻寻觅觅.对酒当歌.人生几何 ]
[ http://ngoheaong.blogspot.com/ 小镇里的医生 - 沁纯的涂鸦本子 ]
[ http://jeanleeshokjing.blogspot.com 李书祯 - 推开另一扇窗 ]
[ http://jwdonotdisturb.blogspot.com/ GinGer - ::私人会议::非.请.勿.进. ]
[ ttp://www.wretch.cc/blog/flippytiff 可歆の博客 ]
[ http://cbjun.wordpress.com/ Mr. Jun 俊少的吐嘈 ]
[ http://yongshuang88.blogspot.com/ 邹永双 @ 双宿双飞 ]
[ http://simplywaimee.wordpress.com/ Waimee's Weblog 平凡小女子部落格 ]
[ http://theirstory818.blogspot.com/ 男人&女人 ]
[ http://spiritual31.blogspot.com/ ~SpiRiTuaL@SuperNaTuRaL** ]
[ http://malayfreedom.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚人民之声 ]
[ http://jazz4jess.blogspot.com/ 向希 Jess - 大音希聲,大向希形 (旧) ]
[ http://jesscheng.com 向希 Jess - 大音希聲,大向希形 (新) ]
[ http://aboutfeeling.blogspot.com/ 赤雨 - 玫瑰侠客 ]
[ http://ktleong2008.blogspot.com/ KT Leong 燕城梁子 ]
[ http://pingjinn.blogspot.com/ 林季 - 世间的歌唱不完 ]
[ http://fly0.blogspot.com/ Faye fly - Fly ]
[ http://qing-xiong.blogspot.com/ 秦熊 - 我会尝试停留下来,接近大地。。。。。。]
[ http://hexiaowei.blogspot.com/ 何晓薇 - 红尘弱水 ]
[ http://sf-32words.blogspot.com/ 何晓菲 - 三言两语 ]
[ http://trishiak.blogspot.com/ TrishiaK - 女子T的图文创作 ]
[ http://hi.baidu.com/mastery 陈富焙空间 - 分享孙子兵法、西方企管、三国谋略等 ]
[ http://nvrenshijie.blogspot.com/ 女人世界 ]
[ http://anti-generationism.blogspot.com 陳勇健 - 逆流世代/DePReSSiVe GeNeRatiON ]
[ http://ckmah.blogspot.com/ 马志强 - 士心弓虽的家 ]
[ http://runrun1126.blogspot.com/ 然然 - 我思故我梦 ]
[ http://ailinyong.blogspot.com/ 杨艾琳 - 爵士风云 ]
[ http://yein2.blogspot.com/ 黄颍颍 - My Collection ]
[ http://1324worldmag.blogspot.com/ 黄颍颍 - 1234奔跑世界地平线 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jc93 旺樟的部落格(旧) ]
[ http://jc93-blog.lifeskys.com/ 旺樟 - 艺心术情 ]
[ http://polibug.blogspot.com/ PoliBug | 波力.拔克 ]
[ http://malaysia4dimensi.blogspot.com/ 政治四度空间 ]
[ http://victorchanky.blogspot.com/ Victor Chan - 义想天开 ]
[ http://lawsmed.blogspot.com/ 刘勋 - 中医师部落格 ]
[ http://uncleboo66.blogspot.com/ 阿武叔 UNCLE BOO ]
[ http://ivan-soon.blogspot.com/ Ivan - 违背良心 ]
[ http://www.limboochang.com 林武灿部落格 ]
[ http://nannansay.blogspot.com/ 喃喃自语 ]
[ http://bloggerhoward.blogspot.com/ 林聪明 - 好活随笔 ]
[ http://www.iamshin.com/ 小雨天镜 ]
[ http://lee-abc.blogspot.com/ ABC(直凉新闻)]
[ http://yingyingdiaries.blogspot.com/ Amy Ku - 反对诠释的角落 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/kwlua 赖康辉 - kwlua的家屋 ]
[ http://robertlkw.blogspot.com/ 赖康辉 - Truth is on the side of the oppressed ]
[ http://robertlkw.blogspot.com/ 赖康辉 - 反抗压迫 ]
[ http://tampin.wordpress.com/ 肚懒公会 - 肚懒就是力量 ]
[ http://lkchun.blogspot.com/ ccm2poco@blog ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ccm2poco 覃心靖 - 心靖的復活蛋 ]
[ http://cheetong-tan.blogspot.com/ 陈志忠 - 志忠的谎言与分享 ]
[ hhttp://cheetongtan.blogspot.com/ 陈志忠 - 志忠的生活故事 ]
[ http://votecharles.wordpress.com/ 巴生国会议员查尔斯@Charles Santiago ]
[ http://teobakkim.blogspot.com/ 张木钦 - 未富先老 ]
[ http://smjoey.blogspot.com/ 王书梅 - 梅目传情 ]
[ http://myprivatemap.blogspot.com/ 林悦 - 我的私房地图 ]
[ hhttp://31031990.blogspot.com/ 浮华人世 如梦无痕 ]
[ http://dotcom55.blogspot.com/ 岳二娘 - 英雄塚 ]
[ http://bennybstudio.blogspot.com/ 猎手 - 图片猎人 ]
[ http://botakray.blogspot.com/ 叶子麟 - 冷眼横眉 ]
[ http://minitiny1230.blogspot.com/ 钟咏薇 - mini tiny fanny! ]
[ http://shortdaily.blogspot.com/ Short Daily ]
[ http://yien-photography.blogspot.com/ 《yien影阁楼》]
[ http://albertkcwong.wordpress.com/ 小蟒蛇 - Borak-Borak salesman ]
[ http://zhenke08.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚。登嘉楼。我看、我听、我写 ]
[ http://purpleautum.blogspot.com/ 流浪猫 ]
[ http://spelloutloud.2uonly.com/ 启翰 - 春梦留痕 ]
[ http://musailec.blogspot.com/ 张以勒 - 勒不思书 ]
[ http://fanxing.blogspot.com/ 啊利 - 瞻星宫 ]*NEW
[ http://thomas--world.blogspot.com/ Tomの札记 ]*NEW
[ http://bakeling.blogspot.com/ Bakeling - 万家灯火 ]*NEW
[ http://steveang82.blogspot.com/ 佑仔の天堂 ]*NEW
[ http://nikicoffee.blogspot.com/ 尼其 @ 咖啡屋 ]*NEW
[ http://my-fertility-diary.blogspot.com/ My Fertility Diary ]*NEW
[ http://kehaumeiyoong.blogspot.com/ 小龙马 - 文文的影冊 ]*NEW
[ http://kopioteh.blogspot.com/ 小龙马 - 咖啡。饼干。茶 ]*NEW
[ http://ichigonichong.blogspot.com/ 小龙马 - 美好的人生由这里开始 ]*NEW
[ http://yeongkianheng.blogspot.com/ 杨建兴 - 开口见心 格局渐新 ]*NEW
[ http://zanlong.blogspot.com/ 苏赞龙 - 为生命喝采 AcclaimLife ]*NEW
[ http://connieyeoh.blogspot.com/ Connie Yeoh 的秘密心灵天空 ]*NEW
[ http://k-palace.blogspot.com/ K.の宮 ]*NEW
[ http://hsiling.blogspot.com/ Alice C - Blogger Chan ]*NEW
[ http://urbanlink.wordpress.com/ 梦幻时尚。 Jess ]*NEW
[ http://www.epstreet.com/ EP Street ]*NEW
[ http://peepai.blogspot.com/ Pai - 没什么~ Trash into Cash into Love ]*NEW
[ http://yethui.blogspot.com/ Yet Hui - 灰色地带 ]*NEW
[ http://chintanchong.blogspot.com/ Chin's Blog - malaysian politics ]*NEW
[ http://mark-elbowroom.blogspot.com/ eLBOWROOM自由马场 ]*NEW
[ http://funpin.blogspot.com/ 曾繁彬 ~ 彬至如归 ]*NEW
[ http://coffeefamily988.blogspot.com/ 咖啡家族 ~ 咖啡、棉被、不设防 ]*NEW
[ http://www.ifublog.com/sky 天•动漫画社 ]*NEW
[ http://christinecmw.blogspot.com/ Mei Wan - 心情小空间 ]*NEW
[ http://pupuzasui.blogspot.com/ 普普杂碎 ]*NEW
[ http://paikhekmeng.blogspot.com/ 贝克民部落 ]*NEW
[ http://tystree.blogspot.com/ 田园树 ]*NEW
[ http://ohohmami.blogspot.com/ 倦困的妈 ]*NEW
[ http://chiatak.blogspot.com/ chiatak -Happy Garden ]*NEW
[ http://kaillery.blogspot.com/ 刘铠毅@KAILLERY 重披铠甲 ]*NEW
[ http://huichun.wordpress.com/ 慧君@我见我思我想 ]*NEW
[ http://antimediamonopoly.blogspot.com/ 反垄断周刊 Anti Media Monopoly Zhoukan ] *NEW
[ http://aiblog.lifelogger.com/ 开麦部落格 (“爱•开麦•无障碍”的网上论坛) ]*NEW
[ http://i-exchange.blogspot.com/ 《沟通平台》 ]*NEW
在 网络科技迅速扩展、各项免费网络平台分至沓来、博客风潮流席卷各地之际,马来西亚中文网民才姗姗搭上博客列车,开始创建各种门类的个性化网志。然而,马来 西亚网民的网络日志,却因为缺乏网站流通量,无法吸引网络搜寻器前来抓取网志内容以便编汇进搜寻器的网页目录,造成马来西亚中文网民无法通过网志与各地网 民进行更为普及的交流。所以,必须有自愿人士扛起编撰马来西亚中文博客(部落客)列表的义务。
西方博客早在90年代末期已经开始通过本身 的网志,实践人人都是“公民记者”的新世代媒体广播模式。个人网志新闻是一个非常棒的点子!不管你来自什幺阶层,从事什幺行业,只要你具备基本的书写以及 应用网络科技的普通技能,你就能把自己所亲眼见证的第一手即时新闻放在网际网络供网民阅读,甚至让不同地域的网民将网志新闻影印成为实物的印刷纸张资讯, 供人传阅。
[ http://www.got1mag.com/ 有人部落 ]
[ http://kitsiang.blogspot.com/ 林吉祥 - 林吉祥部落 (旧) ]
[ http://www.limkitsiang.com/cblog/ 林吉祥 - 林吉祥部落 (新) ]
[ http://yangbaiyang.blogspot.com/ 杨白杨 - 天下太平 ]
[ http://leebanchen.blogspot.com/ 李万千 - 万千文集 ]
[ http://leebanchen.wordpress.com/ 李万千 - 知己知彼 ]
[ http://postmedia.blogspot.com/ 破媒体传播网:庄迪澎文存 ]
[ http://wengsan.blogspot.com/ 博客@永山 ]
[ http://youquan.blogspot.com/ 林猷荃 - 哗此一生 ]
[ http://limji.blogspot.com/ limji - 生命在于觉醒 ]
[ http://erhc79.blogspot.com/ 余福祺 - 政治撕裂 . 文字愈合? ]
[ http://umany.blogspot.com/ 马大新青年协会 (Umany) ]
[ http://sedarmmu.blogspot.com/ Sedar MMU ]
[ http://lonelyjackal.blogspot.com/ Jackal - 人不漂流枉少年 ]
[ http://abeautifulmind.blogsome.com/ 梁广安 - 美丽境界 ]
[ http://kenplanet.blogspot.com/ Ken - 憨人寻味 ]
[ http://malaysiapodcaster.blogspot.com/ 大马播客 ]
[ http://jiahui.lifelogger.com/ 洪嘉慧 - 洪嘉慧部落 ]
[ http://wfmxh.blogspot.com/ 李晓蕙 - 蕙心微笑 ]
[ http://i-m-liar.blogspot.com/ 撒谎的信徒 ]
[ http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/blog.php?uid=21685 小李飞刀-佳礼中文论坛博客 ]
[ http://x-mirror.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 大照妖镜 ]
[ http://feidao.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 又见飞刀 ]
[ http://realmca.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 觥筹交错 ]
[ http://negara.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 国事春秋 ]
[ http://3rdvote.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 第三选票 ]
[ http://sword-man.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 丹心剑客 ]
[ http://huajiao.blogspot.com/ 小李飞刀 - 凤雨华教 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ngnf 吴彦华 - 东方日报总编连线 ]
[ http://ng2363424.blogsome.com/ JingJing - The World of JingJing]
[ http://poetesing.blogspot.com/ 波伊德 - P/S ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/espressomay 阿鱼 - 撒野后蜕变﹐以流浪再启程]
[ http://bixia.blogspot.com/ 小虾爱大海 - 五。味。杂。陈。]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bengkuek 明发 - 噤声地带 ]
[ http://moviebang.blogspot.com/ 电影帮 ]
[ http://movila.blogspot.com/ 幕帷拉电影周记 ]
[ http://xuefei2001.blogspot.com/ 飞 -臆造书写 ]
[ http://mksow.blogspot.com/ mksow ]
[ http://chenjie79.blogspot.com/ Chen Jie - 一个人的脑酱 ]
[ http://imwormy.blogspot.com/ Wormy - 破蛹 ]
[ http://iplaywithheart.blogspot.com/ 用心玩家 - iplaywithheart的网上部落 ]
[ http://mrmoon05.blogspot.com/ MRmOOn^ -在月球上跳舞 ]
[ http://t-junction.blogspot.com/ 纯属虚构 ]
[ http://yhkwan.blogsome.com/ 霏寂寞的季节 ]
[ http://themuji.blogspot.com/ Winds - 寻风 . 觅云 ]
[ http://syuji.blogspot.com/ YeeLim - 天行者启示录 ]
[ http://teresakok.blogsome.com/ Teresa Kok ]
[ http://tklai.blogspot.com/ 赖昭光 - 有点肚懒 ]
[ http://utopia.e-channel.info/ 安那琪的文字乌托邦 ]
[ http://insidesglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 I ]
[ http://sglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 II ]
[ http://suarasglong.blogspot.com/ 双溪龙 III ]
[ http://thefreemedia.com/my/index.php/columns/myhome/408 陈利威 - 马来西亚新经济政策借尸还魂?]
[ http://eannee.blogspot.com/ NTV7华语新闻和追踪档案主播陈彦妮 - Sound of Dragon ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/eannee NTV7华语新闻和追踪档案主播陈彦妮 - 恐龙手记 ]
[ http://yokesuan.blogspot.com/ 陈玉璇 - 落脚上海 ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/ngoigp/ 魏月萍 - 新学衡 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/namiong/ 萧悦宁 - 兰陵斋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/whiteflag99/ 庄白绮 - 在香港看世界!]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/starseeker1984/ Wong Kiing Hung - 星夜骑士 ]
[ http://watyl.blogspot.com/ 前WaFM DJ 谭育怜 - 网上点歌 ]
[ http://lihkang1.blogspot.com/ 大马人民之声协调员郑立慷 - 十万里路 (旧)]
[ http://www.lihkang.com/cn/ 大马人民之声协调员郑立慷 - 十万里路 (新)]
[ http://chiakc.blogspot.com/ Kai Chiat - 科学顽童狂想曲 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/darkcat988/ 黑猫 - 我们的爱,早已超越了种族和时间的限制 (回忆录) ]
[ http://voiceofmalaysia.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - 大马之声 ]
[ http://cstudentunion-ch.blogspot.com/ 吉隆坡中华国民型中学学生联合会 ]
[ http://mingren8.blogbus.com/index.html 一名色人 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/vinhc VinHc有话,不吐不快!! ]
[ http://messily.blogspot.com/ 杂。MESS ]
[ http://junyong2508.blogspot.com/ junyong - 外星人♥之地盘 ]
[ http://csmean.blogspot.com/ 敏の世界 ]
[ http://youse.blogspot.com/ 悠 - 一個人的行走 ]
[ http://humhumfan.blogspot.com/ humhum/蚶蚶 ]
[ http://japanationway.blogspot.com/ 胡禄丰 Jerry's Japanation ]
[ http://www.jeremiahfoo.com/blog 胡禄丰 Jerry Who - Jerry’s Alter Ego > 乱语胡言 ]
[ http://jerrywho.blogspot.com/ 胡禄丰 Jerry Who - J-Talk > 乱语胡言 (Active whenever original blog being hacked) ]
[ http://sevenhouse.blogspot.com/ SVEN - SEVENHOUSE (OLD)]
[ http://members.lycos.co.uk/tujuh/ SVEN - SEVENHOUSE (OLD)]
[ http://www.jinjang.com/seven/ SVEN - 文员生活 (NEW)]
[ http://keeykeey.blogspot.com/ keeykeey - Beautiful Everyday ]
[ http://raininghut.blogspot.com/ 陈永达 - 听雨轩 ]
[ http://www.paikia.com/ paikia - 秘密花园 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/zooooker/ZooooKER'S Zoo ]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/room2046/ 梦游鲸鱼的魔幻世界 ]
[ http://egemini.blogspot.com/ Gemini e Blogger ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/snowpiano/ Snowpiano ^ ^ ]
[ http://snowpiano.blogspot.com/ Snowpiano - 活在当下~生命没有迂回! ]
[ http://snowpiano99.blogspot.com/ Snowpiano - 珊瑚海 ]
[ http://mytheatre.wordpress.com/ 看好~大马中文剧场资讯部落格 ]
[ http://www.douglascky.com/ Yong's Empire 詠霸天下 ]
[ http://qixiao.blogspot.com/ 哮廊 - 哮了!]
[ http://blogsgator.blogspot.com/ BlogsGator - We gather Blogs , and Blogs gather us!]
[ http://shouwangke.blogspirit.com/ 守望客 ]
[ http://lonelywen.blogspot.com/ lonely_wen - 孤单人的足迹 ]
[ http://gnaknehc.blogspot.com/ kang - 122005 过渡月累 ]
[ http://www.penguin-inn.com/blog/ hanshyong's blog ]
[ http://ponghonk.blogspot.com/ Hanjie - 风雨。晴 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/sumweb/ SAMIDEAS@森点子网志 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/cheehou/ Chee Hou - Maxlife ]
[ http://winniebong.blogspot.com/ 晓薇 - 美丽师奶 ]
[ http://violetloo.blogspot.com/ 紫云 - Small is beautiful ]
[ http://kn1046.blogspot.com/ 壹零肆陆部落 ]
[ http://seekiancheah.blogspot.com/ 谢诗坚 - 飞扬网络 ]
[ http://betarocket.blogspot.com/ 火箭原生报 beta Rocket ]
[ http://nweiaik.blogspot.com/ 黄伟益 - 唤醒心中的巨人 ]
[ http://wphoon.blogspot.com/ 潘永强 - polity ]
[ http://www.fanpikwah.com/ 潘碧华 - 扬眉女子 ]
[ http://tener.blogspot.com/ 十儿(tener) - 十度精神粮食 ]
[ http://anbiarshyz.e-channel.info/ 库巴啦迪文字拼图 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/summer0518/ 库巴啦迪文字拼图 ]
[ http://dreamer.e-channel.info 星空下想你 ]
[ http://khooman.blogspot.com/ 小说里外的邱赐峰 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/eSpeeDWorld/ 亿速@痕字迹 eSpeeD @ Cyber Spaces ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/mixchan/ 阿mixの杂记本 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/shiyu/ 施宇 - 窃窃施宇 Waynespering (旧)]
[ http://shiyu.lifelogger.com/ 施宇 - 窃窃施宇 Waynespering (新)]
[ http://wyc-gemini.blogspot.com/ geminnX - 双星奇缘 ]
[ http://myprettyheart.blogspot.com/ 思敏 - 美丽的开始~!]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/aaahni/ Sinni Chong - 米和麦小的世界 (.m.E. a.n.d. m.Y.s.e.L.F..) ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/viviongan84/Vivion Gan - 千里马之轩 ]
[ http://tkchiew.blogspot.com/ 周添健 - 健言社 ]
[ http://tkchiew.spaces.msn.com/ 周添健 - 添健@周.记 ]
[ http://selfpoetry.blogspot.com/ gadfly - mypoetry ]
[ http://cls74.blogspot.com/ 1970世代马大华文学会部落客 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/travin1988/ Travin - 迎向太阳的向日葵 ]
[ http://balladepouradeline.blogspot.com/ Adeline Wong - 无尽的等待 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/whkang07/ Kang Wen Hao - 我的八度空间 ]
[ http://irenelim.blogspot.com/ Irene Lim - 点点滴滴 ]
[ http://sookying.blogspot.com/ 蓝玫瑰Emily - 我的第二天堂 ]
[ http://my18thbirthday2005.blogspot.com/ 蓝玫瑰Emily - My 18th Birthday Party ]
[ http://jeff.coolsilon.com/ 我就是我 ]
[ http://poayhua.blogspot.com/ 甘培华 - 不要害怕你的生命会结束,而要害怕它从未开始 ]
[ http://96liao.blogspot.com/ 所谓 . oi_say - 96 liao ]
[ http://blogoisay.blogspot.com/ 所谓 . oi_say ]
[ http://shiuanandkomei.blogspot.com/ Shiuan and Komei - SKll ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/summerjune/ June的日志列表 ]
[ http://www.jsxblog.uni.cc/ 庄勇翰 - 静思轩 ]
[ http://kokkuen.blogkaki.net/ Kok Kuen - 风儿他说要轻轻吹 ]
[ http://mybabyqq.blogspot.com/ 啊潘咭 与 恒爸爸 - 亲亲晴晴 ]
[ http://myqingqing.blogspot.com/ 啊潘咭 与 恒爸爸 - 一年四季, 春夏秋冬, 每一季都有晴天..... ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/mokky13/ 独孤笑笑生 gila mok ]
[ http://weiyeh.blogspot.com/ 黄伟业 - 甜蜜的负荷 ]
[ http://flyagainsttime.blogspot.com/ lys - Flying against time逆向飞行 ]
[ http://mybbhh.blogspot.com/ Kong mummy HH - 航航出状元 ]
[ http://meeyenkong.blogspot.com/ Kong Mee Yen - ~心言♡星语~ ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jaycecheh Jayce Cheh - 用心说故事 ]
[ http://duriantea.blogspot.com/ Darren Tee - 榴莲茶馆 ]
[ http://wushenlun.blogspot.com/ 黄德峻 - 无神论 ]
[ http://duller.blogspot.com/ 黄德峻 - 无聊小站 (旧) ]
[ http://duller.kukuchew.com 黄德峻 - 无聊小站 (新) ]
[ http://dreamland4kelvinyeo.blogspot.com/ KelvinYeo - DreamLand4KelvinYeo ]
[ http://kkwong.lifelogger.com/ 前WaFM DJ KK - KK lifelog ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/AhKew 李永球 - AhKew的家屋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/twsim/ 古越遗民 (旧) ]
[ http://twsim.blogsome.com/ 古越遗民 (新) ]
[ http://teckchi.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 王德齐部落 I ]
[ http://teckchi.blogspot.com/ 王德齐部落 II ]
[ http://khankhai.blogspot.com :: 钪凯 :: ]
[ http://kwongliang.blogspot.com/ 谢光亮 - 我手写我思 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/kwongliang/ 谢光亮 - 月亮阁楼 ]
[ http://kwongliang.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 谢光亮 - 你和我的天地 ]
[ http://www.paulooi.com/ Paul Ooi(琮正) and Friends - paulooi.com ]
[ http://penangpodcast.blogspot.com/ Penang Podcast 槟城播客 ]
[ http://www.penanghokkien.com/ Penang Hokkien Podcast 槟城福建 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tanyongwei/ Tan Yong Wei - 幸福空间 ]
[ http://gheeyea.blogspot.com/ Ghee Yea - 雅雅的天空 ]
[ http://hoehark.blogspot.com/ 鎗人鎗语GanManGunWords ]
[ http://info.sparkyblue.com/ Simon Su - info.sparkyblue.com ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/doiwl/ doi - my own world 我的天地 ]
[ http://huaxiao.blogspot.com/ 心系华小 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tenge5/ 浴水重生之凤凰 - 等生命的活人 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/hal-ehwal-semasa/ 雍维 - <凝静的冬天> 精彩时评网 ]
[ http://stephencpt.blogspot.com/ 陈秋平 - Let us make the world a better place. ]
[ http://watraffic.blogspot.com/ Wa Traffic [哗红绿灯] ]
[ http://klsetechnical.blogspot.com/ John Lee - Bursa Malaysia Stock Investment Discussion ]
[ http://zxingkxing.blogspot.com/ zhixing - 自兴开兴 ]
[ http://zhixiang1213.blogspot.com/ 志祥 - "志"趣"祥"投的部落格 ]
[ http://safewafm.blogspot.com/ 少奇 - NTV 7及 "哗!FM"命运如何呢? ]
[ http://up-to-me.blogspot.com/ Ooby ヤギ - 口水日记 ]
[ http://jithean.blogspot.com/ 日贤 - Forest Sun ]
[ http://kaim83.blogspot.com/ 育琴 - sunshine ]
[ http://whiteporridge.blogspot.com/ 白粥部落 ]
[ http://hbdckp.blogspot.com/ 开屏事记 ]
[ http://geminiurl.blogspot.com/ Gemini - 为你打开另一扇窗口的URLs... ]
[ http://c2pid.blogspot.com/ 昔途避 - 失。心。疯。子。 ]
[ http://alienrobot.blogspot.com/ Rieru - Robot Factory On The Alien Planet ]
[ http://filmaniac7th.blogspot.com/ Rieru - The Seventh Art ]
[ http://www.smoothriver.net/ Sam Hui - SmoothRiver.net ]
[ http://lixing76.blogspot.com/ 章力行 - 京都の客 ]
[ http://nightraveler.blogspot.com/ 章力行 - I am so so ]
[ http://zeroyan.blogspot.com/ Yan - 零度空间 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sharlyntan88 陈敬婷 - =成长的灵魂= ]
[ http://rongsquare.blogspot.com/ nottyboy - 荣广场 ]
[ http://bluegemini.blogspot.com/ 蓝双子 - 蓝双子的天空 ]
[ http://kyotos.blogspot.com/ BOX Cat - Summer Rat ]
[ http://hohosek.blogspot.com/ EdLim , 峰 - 有时候能觉得无聊也是一种幸福~* ]
[ http://www.mclady.net/speak/ Michelle - 我说话时,你听。 你需要听众时,我在。 ]
[ http://euwenpyb.blogspot.com/ Euwen - 文锋起吾 ]
[ http://soccertalk.blogspot.com/ Euwen - 足球心经 ]
[ http://ooitzemin.blogspot.com/ 黄思敏 - 改变的力量 ]
[ http://crankynutcase.blogspot.com/ 独孤老人 - Ramblings of an incoherent mind ]
[ http://ihaveadatewithavampire.blogspot.com/ 独孤老人 - 假如真的再有约会 ]
[ http://appleonlyforadam.blogspot.com/ HEZT - 亚当的禁果 ]
[ http://penguinfunfair.blogspot.com/ Cathy Lee - 企鹅の乐园 ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/summerjune/bibi/ JuneYang - 我的孩子气让我勇敢 ]
[ http://blog.activehack.com/ 方佳星 - 星空の语 ]
[ http://kusou.blogspot.com/ Kusuo - 空想堂 ]
[ http://ainie781.blogspot.com/ Ainie Lee - 当下,请...请你...你和我约会吧! ]
[ http://babykwen.blogspot.com/ 韦凯雯 - 娃娃凯雯看天下 ]
[ http://lauqian.blogspot.com/ 老全 - 老全废话录 ]
[ http://lauqian2.blogspot.com/ 老全 - 废话连篇 ]
[ http://khamun.blogspot.com/ mosquito - 小人物 ]
[ http://zerodistance.blogspot.com/ Hiro - 零距离 ]
[ http://wyc-gemini.blogspot.com/ 黄贤智 - 双星奇缘 ]
[ http://stfund.blogspot.com/ Stenny Lim - 儿子的投资组合( ST FUND)]
[ http://stenny.blogspot.com/ Stenny Lim - 跟着感觉走 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/hackzai/ 克仔 - 克仔,笑谈快门 ]
[ http://vctts.blogspot.com/ 阿凯 - 大城小事 ]
[ http://chunghan.blogspot.com/ 蔡宗恒 - 平恒点 ]
[ http://seowmeiyin.blogspot.com/ Seow Mei Yin - 0h@iyO ]
[ http://jupiterbee.blogspot.com/ Kinhaya - 木星世界 ]
[ http://mengleiwong.blogspot.com/ 天鹅江畔 ]
[ http://savecampusmalaysia1.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚全国大专生团结阵线(SMM) ]
[ http://winderman.blogspot.com/ 一粒米的故事 ]
[ http://ahliqing.blogspot.com/ Qing's ]
[ http://yannilim0811.blogspot.com/ Lim Yanni - 草木皆非 ]
[ http://pigcity05.blogspot.com/ pig@city ]
[ http://rome-lalah.blogspot.com/ Beh Chew Yeng - The Adventure of little Lalah.. ]
[ http://cbfang8.mysinablog.com/ 英杰 - 细细体会美丽人生 ]
[ http://forbiddencultur.livejournal.com/ 玄德人生 forbiddenculture ]
[ http://sharemovie.blogspot.com/ Teng Yong ,阿彤 和 Louis - 并非影评 ]
[ http://alankyo.blogspot.com/ Alan Kong - 东风不破 ]
[ http://keiamakura88.blogspot.com/ kei amakura - 天仓萤 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/wlimnd/blog/ W. L. Lim - 秆哪塞@精神 ]
[ http://mengleiwong.blogspot.com/ Wong Meng Lei - 天鹅江畔 ]
[ http://www.jeffooi.com/ferryman/ 黄泉安 (Jeff Ooi) - 摆渡人 ]
[ http://blog.forum-talk.com/ 沧海一声笑- 笑不出还可以哭 ]
[ http://chineseteacher.blogspot.com/ yeoh yeoh - 杏坛春秋 话山论见 ]
[ http://drummer94.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 维聪 - 终之序~大洪世说新语 ]
[ http://yuilie.blogspot.com/ 烈子 - 民主就是说出来 ]
[ http://cocoa0506.blogspot.com/ cocoa - 就是这样 没有怎样 ]
[ http://locker2020.blogspot.com/ cocoa - 随心所欲 ]
[ http://lanxinyu.blogspot.com/ 蓝心雨 - 蓝色阁楼 ]
[ http://huixinyong.blogspot.com/ Yong Hui Xin - 在灵感中钓灵感 Fishing for Inspiration ]
[ http://cpy00rebecca.blogspot.com/ Cpy - When you want to cry ]
[ http://bigbigmug.blogspot.com/ mugmug - biG biG muG's hiDDen eMotiOn ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tingying/Blog/ 陈丁莹 - 丁莹歌剧院 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ernestein/ 陈耀宗 - 有理细思 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/moontree/ 刘艺婉 - 月亮树屋 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tulipcorner/Blog/ ♡^_^♡ TuLip's CoRnEr~ ]
[ http://kae79.blogspot.com/ 阿恺的酸甜苦辣 ]
[ http://fw123.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 ]
[ http://fwcc.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 - 弹天说地 ]
[ http://fwyogi.blogspot.com/ 中国报专题组 - 瑜人手札 ]
[ http://t-junction.blogspot.com/ MRmOOn^ , Wormy & Fei Fei - 纯属虚构 ]
[ http://findingjuliet.blogspot.com/ LavenderGuy's flower world ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ahcea/ 牺恰呵 - 感~想~忆~字 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/ameko1980/blog/ 邓筱彦 - 我的穹苍里有我的万物~ ]
[ http://violetsnow2.blogspot.com/ violetsnow ]
[ http://flyingcolor.blogspot.com/ 阿农 - 飞一般点滴 ]
[ http://sayuran.blogspot.com/ 阿农, nottyboy, Linx & yongchiarong - 素食园地 ]
[ http://tongkai.blogspot.com/ tongkai - 这个BLOG不好玩 ]
[ http://southernthailand.blogspot.com/ tongkai - 《平乱漫长路》系列 ]
[ http://planetofhorror.blogspot.com/ tongkai, A Bad Storyteller, grandia, tongkai & jokeking - 吓之新戏 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joshuahong84 Joshua Hong - 30% of joshua ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/forever07hot Carol - =Forever07hot= ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/zihern/Blog/ 陈梓蘅 - 生活,越写意越好... ... ]
[ http://zihern.blogspot.com/ 陈梓蘅 - 下一站:天堂 ]
[ http://travenplanet.blogspot.com/ 狮子座 流星雨 - 流星语录 ]
[ http://studentdiari.blogspot.com/ 一个普通学生的日记 ]
[ http://wuxiankianzai.blogspot.com/ 健仔 - 健仔车房二 ]
[ http://qiandai.blogspot.com/ 健仔 - 千代帝皇史 ]
[ http://gushishu.blogspot.com/ 鱼鱼, yuen, 蓝双子, hoyoyi, 健仔, 赤兔, angielptan, APRILCHERRIE, kulturkampf kutumart - 故事 ]
[ http://pk112.blogspot.com/ angielptan - 萍水相逢 ]
[ http://wehcydnas.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - what's Life... blur Life...... (旧) ]
[ http://blursand.blogspot.com/ Blur^Sand - 一切从BLUR开始... (新) ]
[ http://warmfeeling.blogspot.com/ feeling... ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/fredfox/ Fox Fu - Fox, Cassia and Narcissus ]
[ http://way5577.blogspot.com/ Wayfarer ]
[ http://jwlaw83.multiply.com/ Jin Wen - Jin Wen's Site ]
[ http://shawyun924.blogspot.com/ 胡韶芸 - ~my world~ ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/shawyun924/ 胡韶芸 - 芸。。。 想空间 ]
[ http://oceanblue2000.blogspot.com/ 清伟 - 蓝色的海 ]
[ http://lowintan.blogspot.com/ dan - 把根留住 ]
[ http://www.mariahlc.com/blog/ Maria Ho - 双喜临门 ]
[ http://chanweisee.blogspot.com/ 《独立新闻在线》记者陈慧思 - 羊人部落 ]
[ http://newbornsheepman.blogspot.com/ 《独立新闻在线》记者陈慧思 - The Sheepman's Blog ]
[ http://waysofseeing123.blogspot.com/ 《独立新闻在线》记者曾薛霏 - Ways of Seeing ]
[ http://serenemusicstation.blogspot.com/ Serene Cheam Music Station ]
[ http://aquariuscat.blogspot.com/ house of aquacat ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/lihuayonghao/blog/ YongHao - a dream comes out.....]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/yycspace/blog/ 杨永照 - Smart Space ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/nic-enyt1019/ 佩佩 - 梦幻世界~香格里拉 ]
[ http://kiasu-uk.blogspot.com/ Mr. Kiasu in the UK ]
[ http://cheehan85.blogspot.com/ Lim Chee Han - Unopened Letter to the World - ]
[ http://johnnyseah.blog-city.com/ 盛盟强 - 动乱盛世 (旧) ]
[ http://johnnyseah.blogspot.com/ 盛盟强 - 动乱盛世 (新)]
[ http://tataka83.blogspot.com/ 横行霸道 ]
[ http://jsliw.wordpress.com/ JsLiw - 寻情记 ]
[ http://shuotong.blogspot.com/ 丘工 - 说东道西 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/gtrowa2003/ Trowa - 寻觅真理 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/jchengjw/ Cheng Jian Wei - Cool Jay's Corner ]
[ http://kurikulu.blogspot.com/ Joanne - ~Welcome to Kurikulu's Paradise!!~ ]
[ http://kiwitye.blogspot.com/ 阿虎 - 奇异果 ]
[ http://jack.activehack.com/ Jack Ooi - Jack's Diary ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/zejing2004/ 黄子荣 - 山脚人家 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/clockworkcatshow/ 陈伟智 - 发条猫午夜场 ]
[ http://weitee.mocasting.com/ 陈伟智 - 发条猫乐园 ]
[ http://citytraveller.blogspot.com/ 左眼 - On The Road ]
[ http://flyerflying.blogspot.com/ 飞行人 - 实验人生 ]
[ http://www.junkiewonderland.com/ kinkyskinyhome ]
[ http://ministryofrogue.blogspot.com/ 右护法 - Ministry of Rogue ]
[ http://chinliangcheah.blogspot.com/ 谢金良 - 坚持向黄家驹致敬 ]
[ http://dchy.blogspot.com/ DCHY - 寻觅幸福 ]
[ http://traininglife02.blogspot.com/ DCHY - * 我的实习生涯 * ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/cpgib/ 阿培 - 男人三十 ]
[ http://khaisuan.blogspot.com/ Khai Suan - 天馬行空 + 妙想天開]
[ http://itstory.blogspot.com/ Khai Suan & Teng Yong - 关于电脑]
[ http://fiontkt.blogspot.com/ 文文 - 猫语录 ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/fiontkt/msf/ 文文 - Ms F 的一个人玩 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/singlebed/ Sarah Kok - Singlebed of mine...(^_^) ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/hooi1983/ Lim Chee Hooi - Hooi ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/ahzhee/ Ah Zhee WorkSpace ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/lovetalk/ Glenns Teoh - 爱の物语 ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/4leafclover/ Glenns Teoh - Four Leaf Clover ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/4leafclover/ Glenns Teoh - 娱乐在线 ]
[ http://sukwen.blogspot.com/ 夏日雪 Summer Snow ]
[ http://huayuan3.blogspot.com/ Summer Snow, Undomiel, rainingfish - 我们的故事 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/liewshinkheong/ 刘顺强之花雨夜 ]
[ http://jinlan.blogspot.com/ 靖岚 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/programmyself/ 林伟玉 - Y o k e の生きる道 ... ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/chinhor/juice/ 钟进贺 - 果汁档 (旧)]
[ http://www.rawangboy.com/ 钟进贺 - 万挠男孩 Rawang Boy (新)]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/jookyie/ 阿丽安 - mi habitacion ]
[ http://polyzone.blogspot.com/ Invisible 隐形人 - 时光机 ]
[ http://woaychee.blogs.friendster.com/ Woay Chee - MyLife ]
[ http://thiamteck12write.blogspot.com/ 温添迪 - 我写故我在 ]
[ http://wuxia001.blogspot.com/ 温添迪 - 武侠连载 ]
[ http://beast_diary.blogspot.com/ 野兽修行 - 白痴还是天才的独白?(旧)]
[ http://franson.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 野兽修行 - My Blog (新)]
[ http://faxko.blogspot.com/ FaxKo - 思。翔。迹 ]
[ http://harutodedaily.blogspot.com/ 哈乳豆 (豆豆) - 哈乳豆的友忆相影部落格 ]
[ http://www.xia4.org/ haryewkjun - 夏之星系 ]
[ http://pueyyee.blogspot.com/ 佩仪 - 蚂蚁私语 ]
[ http://leewanyin.blogspot.com/ 李婉迎 - 如歌岁月 ]
[ http://healing8.blogspot.com/ healing ting - 真挚的感动 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/meiqi/ Meiqi - 漂流世界 ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/leeling/ 玲 ~ Colors of the Night ~~~ ]
[ http://lautaionn.blogspot.com/ 刘泰安的《鹰击长空》专栏文章 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/stanic/ Kampung Boy 乡村男 - 巧克力重击 ]
[ http://lawboycool.blogspot.com/ lawboycool - The Down Under ]
[ http://my-elves.blogspot.com/ 滑翔翼 - 毁灭后重生 ]
[ http://siewshuen.blogspot.com/ 邓晓璇 - 年.华.似.水 Over the Rainbow... ... ]
[ http://dandelion.blogspirit.com/ 蒲公英合唱团 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1224431155/ pokoktom的BLOG ]
[ http://www.lzblue.com/blog/ lzblue ]
[ http://d-blue.blogspot.com/ Ray - 蓝 の 心得.回忆 ]
[ http://myjiachen.blogspot.com/ 薇薇 - 家里的晨光 ]
[ http://www.mariahlc.com/chnblog/ 宁霄 - 莫失莫忘 不离不弃 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/660214/ 小蓝~ Little Blue With You ]
[ http://youandi2006.blogspot.com/ 你我他 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/foongchy/ 熊志伟 - 伟人心中拥有志向,凡人心中只有愿望 ]
[ http://bearfoong.blogspot.com/ 熊志伟 - BeAR居E格 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/lssie1119/ 施丽思 - 美丽的思念 ]
[ http://lisze.blogspot.com/ 施丽思 - ~寂寞冰山角~ ]
[ http://wanfoong.blogs.friendster.com/wanfoong/ 黄云峰部落格 ]
[ http://jasbuggie.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 黄聪涵部落格 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/xiaojiji69/ 萧俊仁 - 俊俊红灯区 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/sillycx514/ 幻灭的泡泡儿 - 没落的红颜 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/chrohcl/ 玄霖 - ★☆云霖之家☆★ ]
[ http://mewyeen.blogspot.com/ mewyeen - 摇篮语 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/karyite/ 家玉 - 逍遥任我行 ]
[ http://747-is-breathing.blogspot.com/ 欧阳菲凌 - 747 iS BreAtHinG @ 呼吸的747 ]
[ http://eternal0731.blogspot.com/ 秋. 落叶 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯的永恒 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/gltan/ 陈玉莲 - 碧绿荷塘 (旧)]
[ http://greenlotuspond.blogspot.com/ 陈玉莲 - 碧绿荷塘 (新)]
[ http://gltan.blogspot.com/ 陈玉莲 - 欧游掠影 Travelling around Europe ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/microscope/ Ooi Yan Rong - 显微镜下的布落格 ]
[ http://mymemorylane.blogdrive.com/ 黎韵媚 - My Memory Lane ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/tangkl/blog/ Long - † 无名 †]
[ http://digestcopy.blogspot.com/ Sophie - 艺术小抄 ]
[ http://sophieminds.blogspot.com/ Sophie - Shut Up Talks 抿嘴说说 ]
[ http://ying81.blogspot.com/ 莹莹 - 心情涂鸦板 ]
[ http://ygun.blogspirit.com/ Young Gun - [Y]文邪说 ]
[ http://denisechanged.livejournal.com/ 穷则变 ]
[ http://www.oomoney.com/ oo - 哦哦理财 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/totoromeow/ Meowling Teo - Meow Meow in the Space ]
[ http://stanganley.blogsome.com/ Stanley Gan - 我爱好部落格 ]
[ http://thecosmos4747.blogspot.com/ thecosmos - 继续呼吸 ]
[ http://wukaneld.blogspot.com/ Ngu Leh Dai - 天空之城 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/callmee/blog/ Choon Yong - Callmee Home ]
[ http://eminriceball.blogspot.com/ *~饭团之家~* ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/chuenkian/ Chuen Kian - 健人志 ]
[ http://lovecreator.blogspot.com/ Winterwhale - 冬鲸物语 ]
[ http://dearcheng.blogspot.com/ Winterwhale - 思念你的每一天 ]
[ http://pooisan33.blogspot.com/ 珊珊 - 珊之木目心法 ]
[ http://blog.cari.com.my/ying123/ KIMOI天地(貳) ]
[ http://kminchan.blogspot.com/ Chan KM - 天地 ]
[ http://buwennet.blogspot.com/ 懒人 ]
[ http://ahnee.jasonmumbles.com/ Nee says... ]
[ http://knightinsky.blogspot.com/ 刘运臻 - knightinsky的blog ]
[ http://8mamak.blogspot.com/ 8 MAMAK 部落 ]
[ http://chongkokwai.blogspot.com/ 张国伟 - 大炮王国 (旧)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/chongkokwai 张国伟 - 大炮王国 (新)]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/bigmaomao/ 超级无敌霹雳大天才 - 流浪狗的小窝 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/yokelai/ lai^^稻草人的自由天空 ♀ ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/flying11/ 想飞 ]
[ http://yufumin.blogspot.com/ yufumin - My Life Story in Wenzhou China ]
[ http://soonhuat.blogs.friendster.com/lee/ 李顺发 - MR@LEE's心情分享 ]
[ http://onegigspace.blogspot.com/ Kenny Lee - One Gig Space ]
[ http://aec.blogsome.com/ AEC ]
[ http://grassroothome.blogspot.com/ 阿册小室 ]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/titep/ titep - 冲啊...不要回头,是起飞的时候了.... ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/titep Ooi Shinyi - 欲说还休 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/bomba/ 房怡谅 - 我的長相非主流 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/bomba/ Kelly Ong - 飞向理想 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/puki-oki/ 从 O KI 演变 >> 为 PUKI ]
[ http://polisbukit.blogspot.com/ 我是阿Chan! ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/deepest-d/ Davors Ooi - 舞狮人生 ]
[ http://skycaribbean.blogspot.com/ 无奈的天空 - 加勒比海的天空 ]
[ http://ailihua.blogspot.com/ Wong Weng Hoo - 非一般的天空 ]
[ http://ayamu.blogspot.com/ 阿牙木 - 牙木录 ]
[ http://bingrui.blogspot.com/ 小镇岁月 - 丈量一座山川 ]
[ http://keong79.blogspot.com/ 阿强 - 写意生活 ]
[ http://charlyn82.blogspot.com/ 琳 - *~心灵记事本~* ]
[ http://huixinyong.blogspot.com/ Hui Xin - 在灵感中钓灵感 Fishing for Inspiration ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jadeng 黄玉真 - Jade的斜塔人生 ]
[ http://malaysiapodcaster.blogspot.com/ 紫雨 - 大马播客 ]
[ http://penanglang.blogspot.com/ 紫雨 - 网上创业现场直播 ]
[ http://energyalignment.wordpress.com/ 紫雨 - 紫雨的能量运动 ]
[ http://loveistouching.blogspot.com/ 紫雨 - 爱很感性 ]
[ http://www.g-economy.com/ 紫雨 - 网上创业教战手册 ]
[ http://jazzideas.blogspot.com/ Jessie - Jazz点子 ]
[ http://jteh.blogspot.com/ Jackie Teh - 无人角落 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tiebingzi 冰子的文字撒野地盘 ]
[ http://my-siasat.blogspot.com/ Amadeus B.V, iTangen - My-Siasat 马来西亚丑陋的一面 ]
[ http://stanganley.blogsome.com/ stanganley - 我爱好部落格 iLoveBlog ]
[ http://luvmyse1f.blogspot.com/ 晨晚 - 爱自己 ]
[ http://hoaimeng.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ Hoai Meng - 灼热的冰 ]
[ http://malimalihome.blogspot.com/ June Wong - 魔法世界 ]
[ http://tanyawen.blogspot.com/ Man Yee - 叫我雅文 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lokido lokido's blog ]
[ http://el1981.blogspot.com/ EL1981 - 窝格活力记事本 ]
[ http://badtaste.bluecircus.net/ 管启源 - Private Washroom ]
[ http://liuchia.blogspot.com/ 柳伽 - Photo story ]
[ http://hwweng0416.blogspot.com/ 飞行鱼 Flying fish ]
[ http://jying-tey.blogspot.com/ JYing - Maybe you'll be there ]
[ http://third-sister.blogspot.com/ 3iib - thirdsister 三姐 ]
[ http://vanille9.blogspot.com/ vanille_liau - Vanille-Malaysian : Try-香草的心迹 ]
[ http://ngkiannam.blogspot.com/ 吴健南部落 ]
[ http://zoexinkong.spaces.msn.com/blog/ Zoe Tan - 星空 ]
[ http://ufu221.spaces.msn.com/blog/ Sam -『爱情是没有课本的,你不能套用别人恋爱的方式,在自己的感情里。』]
[ http://a-rhapsodict.blogspot.com/ livzalian - 马虎屋 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/mixchan/ 阿mixの杂记本 (旧)]
[ http://mixchan.lifelogger.com/ 阿mixの杂记本 (新)]
[ http://i-m-learning.blogspot.com/ Sask - 我每天都在学习 ]
[ http://friendsterbunny.blogspot.com/ Bunny ]
[ http://onelovtu.blogspot.com/ Bunny - TrueTrue ]
[ http://tanwenshuozi.blogspot.com/ 谢增英 - 谈文说字 ]
[ http://lvyoubiji.blogspot.com/ 谢增英 - 西安之旅 ]
[ http://aiswan.blogspot.com/ 中国报副刊记者林艾萱 - 梵灵小筑 ]
[ http://etsuko1120.blogspot.com/ etsukoの自由国 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/blog?fyjen 猫言猫语 ]
[ http://ky2812.blogspot.com/ ky@天空 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=4558665 窗边的豆豆 ]
[ http://yeepiew.blogspot.com/ Yee Piew - 尘埃的心事 ]
[ http://yeepiew2.blogspot.com/ Yee Piew - 戒她日记 ]
[ http://yeepiew3.blogspot.com/ Yee Piew - 风中歌乐 ]
[ http://daxiongpalace.blogspot.com/ 部落客 - 马来西亚生病了!!! ]
[ http://commontale.blogspot.com/ syhwah - 优游话语 ]
[ http://boutsuangel91.blogspirit.com 祈晴 - ~*祈晴物语*~ ]
[ http://yoouyouwoxin.blogspot.com/ 枫之家 - 晓筑悠游 ]
[ http://sukisamjana.blogspot.com/ 琦子 - 天 上 。 人 间 ]
[ http://neohch.spaces.msn.com/ 無所待…… - 游于无穷 ]
[ http://endofthesummer.wordpress.com/ 唐卿 - 花事了 End Of The Summer ]
[ http://southgerman.blogspot.com/ BloodDoc - Süddeutschland ]
[ http://song80s.blogspot.com/ BloodDoc, Kok Keon, terengganu - 那年我们十九岁 - 声音回荡 ]
[ http://ayamu.blogspot.com/ 阿牙木 - 牙木录 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/myblm/ 不留名 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/mountain/ low meei - 夏日午后的山屋,醒着恍惚。]
[ http://kenglobe.blogspot.com/ Keng 坑 - Keng's Globe ]
[ http://goldcut.blogspirit.com/ Keng 坑 - 剪金集 GoldCutting ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/janice5206 Janice - 祈晴天使的秘密花园 ]
[ http://sabahan-dilemma.blogspot.com/ iTangen - 沙巴人的心声 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/dreamer0609 小紫 - 笨女孩の笨笨部落格 ]
[ http://ahdai.kukuchew.com/ 呆人呆语 (旧)]
[ http://www.ahdai.net/ 呆人呆语 (新)]
[ http://adamview.blogspot.com/ 周本兴 - 小男人手记 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1219893262 周本兴 - 麻辣大狀 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=panda1069 周本兴 - 禽情兽爱.雄诗再起 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/m/nvrenxinsi_linxiuman 林修蔓 - 男人禁地.女人
[ http://sunyong.blogspot.com/ 杨善勇 - 异见博客 (旧)]
[ https://yongsunyong.wordpress.com/ 杨善勇 - 大题小做,小题不做 (新)]
[ http://wenhui.wordpress.com/ 黄文慧 - Boon Hooi on the Blog : freedom of press ]
[ http://liangcw.blogspot.com/ .Liang - 方块字的空间 ]
[ http://cokebean.blogspot.com/ Cokebean - 。。漂流摇滚日记 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cokebean Cokebean - 不懂。。心 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/azrul Azrulの菜鸟日志 (报界新鲜人的所思所想。) ]
[ http://blog.cari.com.my/citispider/ 戏题派的 博客 ]
[ http://jackieteh.tripod.com/ Jackie Teh - Jackie's Corner ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/jackie/ Jackie Teh - 漫画路 ]
[ http://jackie.blogspirit.com/ Jackie Teh - 一人部落格 ]
[ http://jackieteh.blogspot.com/ Jackie Teh - Jackie's blog ]
[ http://lihherng.blogspot.com/ 郑立恒 - Life is Like a Box of Chocolate!! ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/anguz 安格斯网 - 生活着、思考着 ]
[ http://birdonfire.blogspot.com/ 火鸟 - 笼中鸟 ]
[ http://172vineryroad.spaces.msn.com/ 陈瑞华 - 唯乐尼路172号 ]
[ http://suayhwa-home.blogspot.com/ 陈瑞华 - 忧乐园 ]
[ http://chrohcl.spaces.msn.com/ 玄霖 - ★☆云霖之家☆★ ]
[ http://tanranyuan.blogspot.com/ 李昌元 - 随性坦然,文字园林 ]
[ http://leonsky-my.blogspot.com/ Leon - 天空网文 ]
[ http://agatha2yuan.spaces.msn.com/ Agatha's Story ]
[ http://brightnesswindow.blogspot.com/ Frankie - 光明之窗 ]
[ http://kwanhueyshin.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 慧欣 - 窥看自己 ]
[ http://wengsun85.blogspot.com/ Vincent Wong - 听我讲BALL!!! ]
[ http://wswong.blogspot.com/ Vincent Wong - 有话直说 ]
[ http://pohsee1122.blogspot.com/ Poh See - 诗情话意 ]
[ http://amoeba-album.blogspot.com/ dingyong Law - 02 . Dear Diary - 疯人日记 ]
[ http://hafele.spaces.msn.com/ 陈子豪 - 逍遥客栈 ]
[ http://teochewboy.blogspot.com/ 陈再藩(小曼)部落格 ]
[ http://cpxiaoman.blogspot.com/ 陈再藩@小曼诗藏-- 因为那曾经风清云淡的午后 ]
[ http://cpcartoon.blogspot.com/ 陈再藩@小曼's 漫画 --- 我还真天真过 ]
[ http://marchteochew.blogspot.com/ 陈再藩@三月初三锣鼓响 ]
[ http://24festivedrums.spaces.msn.com/ 陈再藩及陈徽祟 - 廿四节令鼓 ]
[ http://thevoidnotes.org/blog/ Slowie - 徒然之書 ]
[ http://rebinwong.blogspot.com/ Rebin's Blog ]
[ http://arty-arty.blogspot.com/ 蔡长璜 - 艺术艺术 ARTY-ARTY ]
[ http://chaichanghwang.blogspot.com/ 蔡长璜 - 艺文风景 ART SCENE ]
[ http://peipei86.blogspot.com/ 张佩佩 - ~*我绚丽地生活,华丽地呼吸*~ ]
[ http://jacqueline-me.blogspot.com/ 婷 - My Memory 我们小时候 ]
[ http://mindpopping.blogspot.com/ Bob Goh - Welcome to MindPopping! ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/loloh 罗罗 - 24小 诗 不打烊 ]
[ http://ganjianghan.blogs.friendster.com/ 颜江瀚 - Jiang Han's Blog ]
[ http://angelovevil.blogspot.com/ Angel - 天使爱上恶魔 ]
[ http://cklaw70.blogspot.com/ 刘子健 - 剑拔弩张 ]
[ http://pohchuan-art.blogspot.com/ 宝川艺术之孩子的艺术天空 ]
[ http://hushuo8dao.blogspot.com/VoltBo Voltboy - 胡说八道 ]
[ http://waikonglee.blogspot.com/ 李伟江 - 孤身只骑走天下,海阔天空任逍遥!]
[ http://waikonglee2.blogspot.com/ 李伟江 - 拿着火把猜背影的人 ]
[ http://www.mynetcafe.com/ Clement - A Lost Note ]
[ http://tcpcolumn.blogspot.com/ 陈建傧 - 诚柬真言 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=tohtc 杜忠全 - 赤道回声 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=chongkiath 方杰 - 苏格拉屎的艺术日志 ]
[ http://angkukuehblog.blogspot.com/ 红龟糕心情部落 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/galaxypark ~*Stargirl的星际盛宴*~ ]
[ http://ongpauline.blogspot.com/ 宝琳 - 纵使溺水三千,我只取一瓢饮 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.tw/baoluo_ge/ 阿保 - 保洛阁 ]
[ http://minilrong.blogspot.com/ Mini - 感觉孤单 ]
[ http://meijiao.blogspot.com/ 郑梅娇 - meijiao ]
[ http://yuxian-loveislettinggooffear.blogspot.com/ 王妤娴 - 超越恐惧选择爱 Love is letting go of fear ]
[ http://soorussia.blogspot.com/ Russia - 就是想使坏 ]
[ http://mykschan.blogspot.com/ 陈桂生 - 又是另一个部落 ]
[ http://keisonwong.blogspot.com/ Keison Wong - 無題 ]
[ http://tian.keadilanrakyat.org/ 蔡添强簿录 - 生命因选择而存在 ]
[ http://lohchengsun.spaces.live.com/ 骆静山 - 盛世忧思 ]
[ http://nicolelee1114.blogspot.com/ 不静的趴趴熊 - 收集记忆,分享现在,思索未来 ]
[ http://wwf1219.spaces.live.com/ 阿发部落 ]
[ http://janesse.blogspot.com/ Janesse - 祯猪讲 ]
[ http://umun.blogs.friendster.com/ Loke Yew Mun - Dig' n Dug ]
[ http://sczyn.blogs.friendster.com/ Albert de Patistuta 肥言废语部落格 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jiafengchen Chen Jiafeng .: j i a f e n g :. ]
[ http://great-great-sunrise.spaces.live.com/ Great Han - 伟大梦想 ]
[ http://yling1983.blogspot.com/ 霖家女孩 Je m'appelle Yeeling ]
[ http://reporterandyb.blogspot.com/ Hiro - 记者与议员 ]
[ http://keanyeap.blogspot.com/ Hiro - 我见我思 ]
[ http://pcball.blogspot.com/ 李伟康 - 听不到的说话 ]
[ http://blog.pcball.com/ 李伟康 - 康仔乐园 ]
[ http://the-little-corner-space.spaces.live.com/ 胡茗珺 - Hoo说八道~~~~~Life~~~~~ ]
[ http://jiuhukia.wordpress.com/ Bob Lee - ah bob the jiuhukia 欣赏 。欣赏 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sweekuan 林瑞光-八年级生 ]
[ http://meeling.blogspot.com/ Mei Ling - 故事 Corner ]
[ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/kahshookfuikon-womensection 日叻务嘉属会馆妇女组 ]
[ http://mayaostar.spaces.live.com/ 马谣交流站 ]
[ http://zapbalang.blogspot.com/ Pak Guan Teoh - zapbalang ]
[ http://ballyland.blogspot.com/ Regina Foo - 女王的波丽 ]
[ http://wongsiewping.blogspot.com/ 长竹 - 长言竹语 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/detail.jsp?uid=siasekhock 谢锡福 - 学思园 ]
[ http://chenshengyao.blogspot.com/ 跟陈胜尧看问题 ]
[ http://comet1314.blogspot.com/ 东山谭苑 ]
[ http://stillsiuman.spaces.live.com/ 潘宏文 - 小文空间 ]
[ http://www.henstudio.com/blog/ 母鸡工作室与部落格 ]
[ http://blog.xuite.net/lepetiteneige/0103 小雪 - C'est la vie ]
[ http://tanteckchin.blogspot.com/ 小针 - 真言集 ]
[ http://awkh.blogspot.com/ 黄锦雄 - [ 黄.氏.私.家.房 ] ]
[ http://auntyjess33.spaces.live.com/ aunty jess - 感恩课室。以感恩的心,点燃孩子的信心。]
[ http://tanhin.blogspot.com/ TANHIN - you see it and you don't ]
[ http://teahui.blogs.friendster.com/th/ Xiao Hui - tIhoOi ]
[ http://padifriends.blogspot.com/ Padi Friends ) ]
[ http://californiacoldkiller.spaces.live.com/ 小轩窗主 - 加州海滩 ]
[ http://gondolier.blogspot.com/ Kuan GC - 自言自语 (旧)]
[ http://gondolier.wordpress.com/ Kuan GC - 自言自语 (新)]
[ http://blog.yam.com/applefume/ 苹香子 - 箱亲箱爱 (旧)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/applefume 苹香子 - 小小箱子小部落 Little Box, Little Blog (新)]
[ http://9394118.blogspirit.com/ Nightraveller - The Taste of Others ]
[ http://winson-pan.spaces.live.com/ WINSON - Your World ]
[ http://cheyangxuan.blogspot.com/ 杨阳 - 澈阳轩 ]
[ http://cheekhoon.blogspot.com/ 李志勤部落 ]
[ http://eklai.blogspot.com/ 阿赖的单身部落 ]
[ http://cschin.blogspot.com/ 陈志成 - 有志者事竟成 ]
[ http://boleh-bolehland.blogspot.com/ BolehLand - 波列国万岁,万万岁...... ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/pony1108 pony1108 - 骑着小马出城遊荡去 (旧)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/pony11082 pony1108 - pony11082 's Blog (新)]
[ http://wsy2006.blogspot.com/ 你怎么说?(时事节目"你怎么说"的交流部落) ]
[ http://www.soundscape-records.com/webzine/ 扩音版图网路杂志 - 独立乐章•无声传播 ]
[ http://redrabit.blogspot.com/ 赤兔 - 红兔大志 (旧)]
[ http://www.redrabit.com/b/ 赤兔 - 红兔大志 (新)]
[ http://www.aifang.info/wordpress/ 阙爱芳 - aifang@Blog ]
[ http://chinsaifong.spaces.live.com/ B612 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/chinsaifong BEAUTIFUL LOSER ]
[ http://sharewithyou.wordpress.com/ 学佛人 - 无事莫把闲话聊,是非往往闲话生 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/funmemories/ Shufen - 人生,沒有彩排 . 用心,活出精彩 . ]
[ http://lifeboard.blogspot.com/ Shufen - 彩色人生 Colourful Life ]
[ http://sookfun.blogspot.com/ Shufen - 行者笔记本 Traveller's Notes ]
[ http://zouyuhui.blogspot.com/ 邹宇晖 - 晖洒自如 ]
[ http://chinwenjye.blogspot.com/ 寻找自己 - 我の生活记录 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/codestiny 华丽 ╳ 腐蚀 ╳ 血迹 ]
[ http://limyangcher.blogspot.com/ Lim Yang Cher - A Blog Of Mine... ]
[ http://www.lll.net.my/readingclub/ 终身学习《悦读部落》]
[ http://10bian.blogspot.com 拾遍十辩 ]
[ http://lifefootprint.blogspot.com/ 湘绣蜻蜓 - 生活小烙印 ]
[ http://ringwolf.blogspot.com/ Ringwolf Chong - 随遇而安 ]
[ http://www.8787.com.my/Blog/ 8787 Double Power Station ]
[ http://stevenkoay.blog.com/ Steven Koay - Stv Space ]
[ http://almondstaff.blogspot.com/ 哑鸽 - 杏仁茶 ]
[ http://ohchien.blogspot.com/ 哑鸽 - 墨友轩 ]
[ http://jasonleng.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 凌国文 - Jason's Blog ]
[ http://ivcmalaysia.blogspot.com/ 全国大专联谊会 Inter-Varsity Council ]
[ http://layken.spaces.live.com/ 陈丽娟 Layken - 城市精灵City fairy ]
[ http://ziyam.blogspot.com/ Ziyam - 过客 ]
[ http://press4freedom.blogspot.com/ 黄进发 - 义不帝秦 Braveheart ]
[ http://bicare.blogspot.com/ 黄进发 & ispirit - Because I care 因为我在乎 ]
[ http://chinhuatw.wordpress.com/ 黄进发 - People are the boss ]
[ http://jianglong.blogspot.com/ 龙@梦 ]
[ http://pklimus.blogspot.com/ Lim Poi Kun - 青蛙国度 ]
[ http://moonhui.blogspot.com/ 郑文辉 - moonhui部落 ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/feiyang 废人思想 废人废扬 ]
[ http://nanyang-etsuko.blogspot.com/ 悦子 - nanyangwave ]
[ http://gzshuzha.blogspot.com/ 阿展的部落 ]
[ http://cwklch.wordpress.com/ ^_^杰杰-部落格-_- ]
[ http://musicpet.multiply.com/ Lee's site ]
[ http://wzchin.spaces.live.com/ Boon Che's space ]
[ http://tjy-88.spaces.live.com/ 勇往直前...... ]
[ http://ilikebluesea.blogspot.com/ 王佩芬 - Blue Sea ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hwtham2003 鸿伟 - 在这里,有欢笑、有快乐、有朝气、有活力 !! ]
[ http://kaifoongkok.blogspot.com/ 郭继锋 - 跟踪一只猫 ]
[ http://metrosdigest.blogspot.com/ Metros' Digest ]
[ http://earthcorp03.blogspot.com/ Sin Hong - sidelights ]
[ http://myworm.blogspot.com/ 飬养的懒虫类 ]
[ http://yiyantang.blog.com/ 冬枫 - 一言堂 ]
[ http://noslenwohc.multiply.com/journal noslenwohc - yinhon,der fotograf : myBlog ]
[ http://dpfs.blogspot.com/ 新纪元维护媒体自由社 ]
[ http://city.udn.com/blog?etsuko1120 悦子ー自由の空 ]
[ http://etsuko1120.spaces.live.com/ 悦子の家 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/leeetsuko 智慧佳人——悦子的家 ]
[ http://jorleena.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/Jorleena Koay - JorL 柔 ]
[ http://leewengwah.blogspot.com/李荣华 - Journey of Life - 生活旅程 ]
[ http://teopag.blogspot.com/张栢源 - TPG's Log ]
[ http://cheehowteo.blogspot.com/张志豪 - Lonely northern hemisphere ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/sunlimy/钟珊丽 - 不愿告诉人的秘密† ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/sinmin/李升民 - Sin Min's Spaces ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cythefish cythefish - Alone in love ]
[ http://www.layching.com/ Jayce Lee Lay Ching - 别人眼中 我不是我 ]
[ http://yi2yu4.blogspot.com/ Yi Yu - 鱼 ]
[ http://cheehowteo.blogspot.com/ Lim Yeetat - 一个漂流在海外的伤心人 ]
[ http://lateseeker.blogs.friendster.com/ Late Seeker ]
[ http://davidngui.blogspot.com/ David Ngui - 后现代电影院 ]
[ http://shootasky.blogspot.com/ 苏欧达 - SODA ]
[ http://yawshin.blogspot.com/ 黄耀昕 - 道听途说 ]
[ http://www.thelife.com.my/memberPage.php?userid=marilynmanson marilynmanson ]
[ http://jbchamberchoir.blogspot.com/ 新山室内合唱团 Johor Bahru Chamber Choir ]
[ http://hckeong.blogspot.com/ 何智强 - 童叟无欺 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/listenyourheart 文彬 决不是 文质彬彬!]
[ http://jackyeap.blogsome.com/ 叶礼胜 - 断知此事要躬行 - JOurney to the TRuth ]
[ http://fookwah.blogspot.com/ 福华部落 (旧)]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/fookwah/ 福华 - 我的黑眼圈 (新)]
[ http://skypearlstory.blogspot.com/ Star Ghost - 天珠 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/song26 song_4ever ]
[ http://youzicase.blogspot.com/ Just call me 幽子~ (旧)]
[ http://youzi.kukuchew.com/ Just call me 幽子~ (旧)]
[ http://youzi.emuse.cc/ Just call me 幽子~ (新)]
[ http://kiankeat.blogsome.com/ 李建杰 - Delicate to Life ]
[ http://kiankeat.disagrees.net/ 李建杰 - 悠悠我心 (新)]
[ http://necmdmx.blogspot.com/ 地下司令 - 没大媒小 ]
[ http://hei-bao.blogspot.com/ 黑报 ]
[ http://fannychew.blogspot.com/ 周小芳 - the wonderful world ]
[ http://yiqiang1.blogspot.com/ 郑屹强 - 浩瀚的天空 ]
[ http://yinying7.blogspot.com/ 盈颖 - 1984 ]
[ http://tankarhing.blogspot.com/ 陈家兴 - 星星之火 ]
[ http://bernerdwky83.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 黄健毅 - 我的言论空间间]
[ http://cheryllee84.blogs.friendster.com/cheryls_stories/李欣仪 - cHeRyL's Stories ]
[ http://teahui.blogs.friendster.com/th/ 梁棣惠ƒ - TiHooi says... ]
[ http://forever_suan.blogs.friendster.com/ 彦璇 Forever Suan ]
[ http://mvs78.blogspot.com/ 新怡 - 预约幸福 ]
[ http://stephanietay199.blogspot.com/ 晶文 - 晶莹空间~~纯净透明,却易碎~~ ]
[ hhttp://stephanie_199.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 晶文 - Stephanie's Blog 贝儿的心灵驿站 ]
[ http://bernhan.multiply.com/ 吴佳翰 - Jia Han's Site ]
[ http://ahnui.blogspot.com/ 严居汉 - 随你心情而停留 (旧) ]
[ http://keehan514.blogspot.com/ ahnui - 随你心情而停留(新)]
[ http://dushuhui.blogspot.com/ Prawn - 温馨书坊读书会 ]
[ http://yuzhenteo.blogspot.com/ 愉愚真世界Fishyu~World ]
[ http://mysinmy.blogspot.com/ 清凉看人间 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/mysinmy 清凉看人间 ]
[ http://drummer94.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ 终之序~大洪世说新语 ]
[ http://leyasen.blogspot.com/ 天鹅之歌 ]
[ http://vincent.ccoplus.com/ 郑永森 - 天上人间 Down To Earth ]
[ http://lazyteo.lifelogger.com/ 巴生 lazyteo ]
[ http://limwooitee.blogspot.com/ 我是林韦地 ]
[ http://neonplanet.blogspot.com/ neonplanet - Stuck In Reverse ]
[ http://www.blogcharm.com/feiyi 风の翼 - 飞翼の岛 ]
[ http://seasonchee.blogspot.com/ seasonc - single diary ]
[ http://nightkid19.spaces.live.com/ nightkid19 - 最熟悉的陌生人 ]
[ http://spaces.msn.com/members/zooooker/ ZooooKER'S Zoo (旧)]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/zooooker ZooooKER'S Zoo (新)]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/nomoreads nomoreads - 还有人看广告吗?(新)]
[ http://blog.webs-tv.net/nomoreads 事实真相 ]
[ http://tingyigege.spaces.live.com/ Tee Ting Yi ~魂牵今生,梦绕来世~ ]
[ http://wolfpriest.blogspot.com/ 笨狼教主 ]
[ http://micodice.wordpress.com/ Micodice。文玄 ]
[ http://i1freedom.blogspot.com/ 失衡天秤 - 在失衡天秤上彳亍 (旧)]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/19820928/ 失衡天秤 - 在失衡天秤上彳亍 (旧)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/i1freedom 失衡天秤 - 在失衡天秤上彳亍(新)]
[ http://verawong.wordpress.com/ Vera 菠萝油公主 ]
[ http://ongnotebook.blogspot.com/ 王俊龙的笔记本 ]
[ http://munch870217.blogs.friendster.com/ Eric's 部落格---星夜骑士 ]
[ http://blog.roodo.com/mistacar/ 车 ‧ 太 炫 | Mista Car ]
[ http://www.blurty.com/~livz livz - ROOM #402 ]
[ http://odetorei.blogspot.com/ OdeToRei - AN iVIED COLUMN ]
[ http://blog.zhenpei.com/ 陈振培 - 理性的背后 ]
[ http://benbookedah.blogspot.com/ benboo Kedah ]
[ http://ceyong.blogspot.com/ 杨子佑 - 狮王嘶吼,梵音震撼 ]
[ http://joyvoyage.blogspot.com/ 杉 - 生活报告 ]
[ http://weichet.blogspot.com/ 何人可 - hoo'ray see true ]
[ http://blog.roodo.com/lmmanuel/ 潘永杰 - 大地跳蚤 ]
[ http://bowen200.spaces.live.com/ 博文 - 赤道风情 ]
[ http://peklay.spaces.live.com/ Pek Lay - 文字拼图 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/sabun 孙文部落 ]
[ http://waziheng.spaces.live.com/ 王慧仪 - 和蛙一起来思考。。。。 ]
[ http://www.kennyp.cn/ KennyP’s Blog ]
[ http://dreamland1106.blogspot.com/ Hui Yee - 寻梦园 ]
[ http://poppysmily.blogspot.com/ poppysmily - PoppysmilEE ]
[ http://foukua.blogspot.com/ mingming - ...:::浮夸^^在晴朗的一天...(旧) ]
[ http://lazzzzzzzzyypig.blogspot.com/ mingming - 懒朱(新) ]
[ http://cherrykoay.blogspot.com/ Cherry Koay - Slice of My Life ]
[ http://s8j.blogspirit.com/ S8j - 只要将你的左耳往左肩上靠,那你就会看到我的笑脸。。。]
[ http://tumi2.blogspot.com/ tumi - 开到荼蘼花事了 ]
[ http://huaicheng.blogspot.com 怀成堂成团 - 怀成部落格 ]
[ http://www.vrxueji.com/blog/area739 尚骏 - 739地带 ]
[ http://soonber.7blog.net/ 吴仲顺 - 因为它在那里 I ]
[ http://www.ngchongsoon.com/ 吴仲顺 - 因为它在那里 II]
[ http://weyjin0420.blogs.friendster.com/ 张溦紟 - 溦紟在台北 未尽在学习 ]
[ http://biaomin.lifelogger.com/ 王彪民◎lifelogger ]
[ http://kamdezheng.blogspot.com/ 甘德政 - 阿甘的窝 ]
[ http://wenzijunnu.blogspot.com/ 文字君女 ]
[ http://vertion.spaces.live.com/ 龙辉 - 不同,就是不同 (旧) ]
[ http://vertion.blogspot.com/ 龙辉 - 万事只有起头难 (新)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lidayho 何丽蝶 - 我的手写日记 ]
[ http://donlim.wordpress.com/ Don 方 之猪 ]
[ http://hlfoo.blogspot.com/ 胡海亮 - 无间空间 ]
[ http://thoo2.blogspot.com/ Josephine - 饮食.男女 ]
[ http://aboutmysecretgarden.blogspot.com/ 秘密花园 ]
[ http://yaphq.blogspot.com/ 叶夏贵 - 夏语贵言 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/yqhome 宇晴 - YQhome 永远放晴的安乐窝 ]
[ http://hui_wooi.mysinablog.com/ Chee Hooi - 威部落 ]
[ http://hooi1983.spaces.live.com/ Chee Hooi' Blog ]
[ http://zhongjinhong.mysinablog.com/ 钟进鸿 - 阿寞空间 ]
[ http://ktjacky2000.mysinablog.com/ 千里马 - 一粒都不能少 ]
[ http://alfredleedunhill.blogs.friendster.com/alfredo_blog/ Alfred Lee 's Blog ]
[ http://liewteckleong-jitjitluluetling.blogspot.com/ 刘德梁 - "艺术"急急如律令 ]
[ http://meiyeearthouseecoart.blogspot.com/ 刘德梁 - 美艺画苑"生态艺术"教育 ]
[ http://keykok.blogspot.com/ keykok - 曾聒 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hwtham2003 谭鸿伟 - 心情. 文字. 星空 ]
[ http://xiaotao7.spaces.live.com/ 李政贤 - 小桃心情笔记 ]
[ http://cblog.cari.com.my/?167007 hbbs88 - 在家创业的个人空间 ]
[ http:/sinharmonica.blogspot.com/ 欣琴笔记]
[ http://zhoujiahui.blogspot.com/ 周嘉惠 - Personal Thoughts ]
[ http://ignorantspeaker.blogspot.com/ 刘明星 - Ignorant Speaker ]
[ http://love-epl.blogspot.com/ EPL - 忆笔要 ]
[ http://saujun.blogspot.com/ saujun - 潇洒走一回 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jijitankyy 陈衍宇 - 向那爱的珊瑚海前进 ]
[ http://mayshy.wordpress.com/ Jen@mayshy@麻纱 - 泡沫幻影 Bubble illusion life ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/stellachng Stella Ch'ng - 史特拉与比利时的天空 ]
[ http://dami719.blogspot.com/ 大米的网络日记 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/cielteng 胡月仑 - 胡游仑语 ]
[ http://kooek.blogspot.com/ 顾兴光 - 顾记客栈 ]
[ http://catherinechan.blogspot.com/ 萍凡女子 - 萍水相逢 ]
[ http://yonle.blogspot.com/ 泳乐's 网络世界 ]
[ http://yrshow.blogspot.com/ 芸若 - 若隐若现 ]
[ http://ahcuweekly.blogspot.com/ 阿粗周记 ]
[ http://yanchu.blogspot.com/ 彦祖 - 彦祖屋 ]
[ http://freedom-malaysia.blogspot.com/ 陈福煜 - 自由大马 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1261316494 周于飞 - 于飞的BLOG ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/tommynjsi 西西敲日记 (旧) ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/xixi 西西敲日记 (新) ]
[ http://www.jenicelee.com/ 李映霞与莲花苑行动党 ]
[ http://no9.kilu2.de/wordpress/ 门牌9号 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/moderndad 摩登老爹 ]
[ http://dadparadise.blogspot.com/ 【老爹**~**幸福乐园】]
[ http://blog.pixnet.net/moderndad [肺话] 老爹爱说 ]
[ http://neuzealand.blogspot.com/ Bob Goh - 《长白云之乡》~我的移民之路 ]
[ http://earnyee.blogspot.com/ earnyee.tuan - Am@zing Grace... ]
[ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/gladys-tsw ☆★GLADYS公主の幸福宮殿★☆ ]
[ http://ourraisondetre.blogspot.com/ 惟芯 - My raison d'être ]
[ http://limcd.blogspot.com/ limcd - 森林 ]
[ http://jessgowi.blogspot.com/ 魏育婷 - 孕育的心情,婷留的回憶 ]
[ http://leeling79.blogspot.com/ 玲玲 - 碎碎念 ]
[ http://drboochenghau.blogspot.com/ 巫程豪部落格 ]
[ http://chianping.blogspot.com/ 无影则人 ]
[ http://wmfai.blogspot.com/ 黄明辉 - 不吐不快 ]
[ http://donpeh.spaces.live.com/ 白建明 - U complete me ]
[ http://deworld.blogs.friendster.com/ shiu in - deWorld ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/shiuin shiu in - 因为爱 。 所以爱 ]
[ http://edeneve.blogspot.com/ 夏娃 - 伊甸园 ]
[ http://zhzy.blogspot.com/ jinchuah - 之乎者也 ]
[ http://kh7883.blogspot.com/ 吉华国民型中学校友 - 在禾中央 ]
[ http://meizi0306.spaces.live.com/ 美子的异想世界 ]
[ http://mayablog-wwwabjection.blogspot.com/ Mayablog - Abjection ]
[ http://mayablog-nomadism.blogspot.com/ Mayablog - nomadism ]
[ http://chaiyuweng.blogspot.com/ 蔡怡雯部落 ]
[ http://floodyonmovies.blogspot.com/ 傅向紅 - FLOODY on MOVIES ]
[ http://floodymedia.blogspot.com/ 傅向紅 - FLOODY on MEDIA ]
[ http://floodypol.blogspot.com/ 傅向紅 - FLOODY on POLITICS ]
[ http://floodygender.blogspot.com/ 傅向紅 - FLOODY on GENDER ]
[ http://dasein1.blogspot.com/ December - 人在江湖 ]
[ http://1ofdasein.blogspot.com/ December - 1ofDasein ]
[ http://hooifoon.blogspot.com/ Hooi Foon - words of life ]
[ http://vincent83.blogs.friendster.com/ DJ^ViNcEnT's~2525 Blog ]
[ http://www.vrxueji.com/blog/yuik yuik - dream of's DESIGN ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sfchoo 晓芬 - 心情芬想说 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/xian1 杨佳贤 - 贤情忆志 ]
[ http://soopakleong.blogspot.com/ Soo Pak Leong & yon_loy - Green Utopia ]
[ http://siewching99sunshine.spaces.live.com/ 秀出贞我 ]
[ http://jupiterearth.blogspot.com/ Kinhaya - 木星躺在地球 ]
[ http://tenge5.spaces.live.com/ 浴水凤凰 - 悲愤年代的爱 ]
[ http://tangleehong.blogspot.com/ Leehong - 峰画室 ]
[ http://asimplewoman.blogspot.com/ A Simple Woman's World 小女人的世界 ]
[ http://namewee.blogspot.com/ 我的名字叫明志 ]
[ http://sanyueyu.spaces.live.com/ 淡淡三月 - 享受生活,畅所欲言 ]
[ http://story-ywy.blogspot.com/ 仪 - 故事 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ymmtokai 青运多皆支会 ]
[ http://mcatokai.blogspot.com/ 马华多皆支会 ]
[ http://as3h.blogspot.com/ 亚罗士打野兔俱乐部 ]
[ http://jitsin123.blogspot.com/ 日新华乐团部落格 ]
[ http://kedahyouth.blogspot.com/ 吉打州华人大会堂青年团 ]
[ http://lively-baby.blogspot.com/ 向往自由的师奶 - 宁静致远 ]
[ http://parenting-life.blogspot.com/ 梁妈妈的亲子故事 ]
[ http://9394118.blogspirit.com/ The taste of others ]
[ http://yennyholic.blogspot.com/ Yenny - 燕燕一席 ]
[ http://jesseltonsabah.blogspot.com/ Jesselton - 在爵士顿‧漫步 ]
[ http://zhanglaoda.blogspot.com/ 老大看大马 ]
[ http://jinkeanlim.blogspot.com/ 林楗仁 - 4896 (旧)]
[ http://www.4896kj.com/4896 林楗仁 - 4896 (新)]
[ http://jinkeanlim-journey.blogspot.com/ 林楗仁 - Journeying (旧)]
[ http://jinkeanlim-journey.blogspot.com/ 林楗仁 - Journeying (新)]
[ http://ngtianhann.blogspot.com/ 黄天汉 - 从「导演攻作室」下班后… ]
[ http://ngtianhann.lifelogger.com/ 黄天汉的 LOG ]
[ http://shiapaksow.blogspot.com/ 谢伯校 - 江沙 ]
[ http://wuyilun.spaces.live.com/ 吴以伦 - Hidup Hidup!Hidup Rakyat!!!人民万岁!!! ]
[ http://youqingxuan.blogspot.com/ 小女人 - *~悠晴轩~* ]
[ http://www.vrxueji.com/blog/citycorner 城市的角落 ]
[ http://blackinn.blogspot.com/ 掌橱历史 - 凸堕落客栈凸 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/czy85 草言说语 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/chenyi92 陈仪 - 美国生活点滴&心灵故事 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joanhebe 杨英柔爱SHE和老婆陈仪&生活的轨迹 ]
[ http://ginielim.wordpress.com/ 林秀凌 - Bloginie ]
[ http://lemontea204.blogspot.com/ 柠檬茶氏 - LeMontEA ]
[ http://extramplification.blogspot.com/ 陈富雄 - My amplification ]
[ http://nucifera.wordpress.com/ nucifera - My Arabesque ]
[ http://dericgan.spaces.live.com/ 大马颜永祺的空间 当ⓓ众ⓔ的ⓡ孤ⓘ独ⓒ ]
[ http://faguo.blogspot.com/ Bee - 人在法国布列塔尼 ]
[ http://masterzhong.blogspot.com/ 无奈大师部落格 (简)]
[ http://masterchung.blogspot.com/ 无奈大师部落格 (繁)]
[ http://celeste1278.blogspot.com/ Celestial_star - celestial ]
[ http://jeelingshan.blogspot.com/ 蝎紫的凌度孤城 ]
[ http://sheyingren.blogspot.com/ 小川 - 摄 . 记 ]
[ http://wangxiaojie.blogspot.com/ 王小姐的生活日记 ]
[ http://masterlim.blogspot.com/ Master Lim - 一个人 ]
[ http://jieyee.blogspot.com/ 解语的世界 ]
[ http://bearbearsky.blogspot.com/ 小新 - 幸福.com ]
[ http://wulunruhe.blogspot.com/ 无论如何 ]
[ http://qqbook.blogspot.com/ qqbook - 客舍卿卿,柳色新 ]
[ http://tinnytan.blogspot.com/ 快乐小馆 - 楚梵天地 ]
[ http://xianteh.blogspot.com/ 闲人 - 等闲之辈 ]
[ http://iceicebox.blogspot.com/ 冰格 ]
[ http://cigarettesjo.spaces.live.com/ 灰盒子 ]
[ http://ltw.blogs.friendster.com Bryan - My Blog ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/yucatie Yin - Yu Ca TiE ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/junlaw 刘峻宾的步裸阁 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ooleanhooi ooleanhooi - 我爱生活 ]
[ http://suahai85.spaces.live.com/ suahai - KaTak ]
[ http://leenunu531.spaces.live.com/ leenunu - 爱很简单故事集 ]
[ http://shewyean.multiply.com/ shewyean - yean's ]
[ http://circle84.spaces.live.com/ 缘的琐碎记忆楼 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cheahwoon cheahwoon - 归去,也无风雨也无晴 ]
[ http://www.oui-blog.com/grandia/ Janny Lee - Grandia's Blog ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ahkheng Ah Kheng - 你今天微笑了吗? ]
[ http://summer-yeelee.blogspot.com/ yeelee - 红红的太阳 ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/belle Belle - 贝多芬的情人 ]
[ http://pfg1group.blogspot.com/ pfg1group - the more I know, the more I don't know ]
[ http://home.myemage.com/FirstDayCover/ 首日封的个人首页 ]
[ http://kcyu.lifelogger.com/ kc yu 's blog ]
[ http://kcyu.blogspot.com/ 余根进 - 我来跟进 ]
[ http://www.peppysquare.com/ Peppy, Oh, 皮皮!!! ]
[ http://mlieng.blogspot.com/ 王序 - 平凡中的快乐 ]
[ http://otakuarea.wordpress.com/ OTAKU AREA | 御宅族 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/lefung 集邮快乐风 ]
[ http://meichik.blogspot.com/ meichik's Blog ]
[ http://www.dunplayplay.com/ DunPlayPlay马来西亚部落格 ]
[ http://johnny-ong.blogspot.com/ Life's Happenings ]
[ http://www.antcyc.com/teohyj/ 张友键 - ~ 江湖笑 ~ ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/risaki/ Reina - 游鱼卷 ]
[ http://ray877.blogspot.com/ rayden - 开始 ]
[ http://www.szeping.com/ 思斌的部落格 ]
[ http://www.cendol.info/ WiasHO - Cendol.Info ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/dylan0505 梁祐诚 - 全城部落 (旧)]
[ http://www.wanita.net/ipeople/dylan/blog/ 梁祐诚 - 全城部落(新)]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/davidsay1024 轩豪 - 一个人的畅所轩言 ]
[ http://moretivator.wordpress.com/ 刘丞轩 - the MORETIVATOR® | 有种激励 ]
[ http://missytlc.blogspot.com Lee Chin - Yes, it's me! ]
[ http://nanyangkohkw.blogspot.com/ 野渡无人舟自横 - 金戈铁马 ]
[ http://blog.pixnet.net/kacaubird 卡乔鸟的翱翔空间 ~ 青色森林探险之旅 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/ddsymy 淡淡三月,淡淡的心情~ ]
[ http://v8-studio.blogspot.com/ 林伟峰 - V8-Studio ]
[ http://www.aunwoei.com/ 我是伟哥 ]
[ http://220486.blogspot.com/ lym - sp@ce st@tion ]
[ http://freedomhoong805.spaces.live.com/ hoong仔's space ]
[ http://firefoxjack.spaces.live.com/ 火狐的部落格 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kokhc 慧琪 - HuiChi ]
[ http://oceanlum.wordpress.com/ 蓝志锋 - 浩瀚的海洋@锋言风雨 ]
[ http://myknowledge2u.blogspot.com/ Jason Tan - My Knowledge Sharing (knowledge2u)]
[ http://shubenshuben.blogspot.com/ ET - ET Philosophy ]
[ http://doraemeisan.blogspot.com/ doraemeisan - baila los erechos humanos ]
[ http://ellentiew.blogspot.com/ ellentiew - Dolphin Paradise 海豚天堂 ]
[ http://feliex622.blogspot.com/ Feliex -【不能说的·秘密】 ]
[ http://leechingg.spaces.live.com/ Lee ChiNg - 蝴蝶飞了 ]
[ http://chinesewebpower.blogspot.com/ 全球支援黄明志行动 ]
[ http://antinamewee.blogspot.com/ 我的明志可明智? ]
[ http://lingsiangsheng.spaces.live.com/ 详圣的部落格 ]
[ http://geruike80.blogspot.com/ 葛瑞克的日记 ]
[ http://chunhong11271991.blogspot.com/ 0ooChun Hongoo0 - 王子不是帅哥 ]
[ http://bbmoviereview.blogspot.com/ BB COMMUNITY - 宝贝影评 ]
[ http://www.ifublog.com/greenappou pOu© 苹果X香水.....]
[ http://summerdeice.blogspot.com/ 四季。仲夏 の 白色驿站 ]
[ http://tune-media.blogspot.com/ Tune Media 凸媒体 ]
[ http://mcaygen.blogspot.com/ MCA Young Generation ]
[ http://eefui.blogspot.com/ eefui ]
[ http://www.mskydream.com/diary.html 两个人的旅行 ]
[ http://fuilien.blogspot.com/ fuilien - Fui Lien's eye ]
[ http://lmf28.blogspot.com/ Lmf@虚拟空间 ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/sheecheong/ 他们叫我阿梦 ]
[ http://heimama.blogspot.com/ 黑妈妈宝贝事记 ]
[ http://angjs.blogspot.com/ JS - 同一个星空下 ]
[ http://tehtatseng.blogspot.com/ Teh Tat Seng - I1U (I Want You)]
[ http://birdmilk.spaces.live.com/blog Jerry Ng's Blog ]
[ http://tsshing.blogspot.com/ Soo Shing - 素言馨语 ]
[ http://colourful-sibu.blogspot.com/ HumorPic - 诗巫的色彩故事! ]
[ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/clp-78 曾丽萍 - 无人状态 ]
[ http://iriskky.blogspot.com/ Ice's Corner ]
[ http://happikt.blogspot.com/ Kat's Happy Corner ]
[ http://yy-mylifediary.blogspot.com/ 歪歪理财记事本 ]
[ http://my.hibiscusrealm.net/easyyx/ lcoon81 - I possess; I'm not possessed~ ]
[ http://lcoon.blogspot.com/ lcoon81 - 礼轻情意重 ]
[ http://www.abunene.com/ Dream iT.iIVE It ]
[ http://tanwanmei.blogspot.com/ 陈婉媚 - 陈腔新调 ]
[ http://andruswong.blogspot.com/ 安德鲁 - 飞花轻似梦 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/malaysia 马来西亚社会的事实真相 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/sunyaa Sunyaa's World ]
[ http://um-election.blospot.com 马大2007年校园选举快报 ]
[ http://niufuzhi.blogspot.com/ 牛夫子 - 医人医语 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/peibeikhoo 邱琲钧 - PB 文件夾 ]
[ http://memolynn.blogspot.com/ 林佩盈 - BitterSweet Memolynn ]
[ http://foreversound.spaces.live.com/ 高坤翠 - THE VOICE OF GLASS ]
[ http://quekngeemeng.blogspot.com/ 郭义民 - 义不容辞 ]
[ http://mingstudio.blogspot.com/ 哇哈哈 ]
[ http://myfaithinbuddhism.blogspot.com/ 郑达成 - Buddhism ]
[ http://mynaturalhealing.blogspot.com/ 郑达成 - Natural Healing, 自然复原 ]
[ http://skyblue-girl.blogspot.com/ Skyblue 夏天记忆库 ]
[ http://umxiangsheng.blogspot.com/ 马大相声网 ]
[ http://taekwondogtf.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚跆拳道部落格 ]
[ http://yutingyuan.blogspot.com/ 林恩霆 - 雨廷园 ]
[ http://hanako-no-sekai.blogspot.com/ H@naKo - 花言草语]
[ http://stevelee7.blogspot.com/ 李政贤 - 贤话家常 ]
[ http://life-sketch-2.blogspot.com/ 思想人生小品 ]
[ http://cy-ang.blogspot.com/ ang ang 空间。。。串起你我之间 ]
[ http://joke-ang.blogspot.com/ 笑话一箩筐 ]
[ http://cutehao23.spaces.live.com/ 美少妇 ]
[ http://cheeling6.yculblog.com/ 智玲 - IQ0 ]
[ http://lolitalk.wordpress.com/ 小Loli的笑言|Loli’s talk ]
[ http://chunchek.blogspot.com/ chun chek - 我的空间 ]
[ http://preciousmoment2209.blogspot.com/ 讲东讲西 ]
[ http://lengnlan.blogspot.com/ Always Leng - 疯 ]
[ http://t3st12e.blogspot.com/ 陈奕佑 - 江湖事迹 I ]
[ http://blog.laivah.com/yihyew 陈奕佑 - 江湖事迹 II ]
[ http://ziyino.blogspot.com/ ziyino - 你。我。他 ]
[ http://foongmood.blogspot.com/ 阿冯 - 心田 ]
[ http://onlyforlion.blogspot.com/ fish - 只说给你听 ]
[ http://memorydance.blogspot.com/ fish - 与回忆共舞 ]
[ http://lovewhisper.blogspot.com/ fish - **爱的小语** ]
[ http://starfishstory.blogspot.com/ fish - 来,听我说故事。。。。 ]
[ http://westoftheborder.blogspot.com/ West of the Border ]
[ http://masked-optimus.blogspot.com/ 蒙面擎天柱 ]
[ http://jakekfc.blogspot.com/ Jake@番薯田地 ]
[ http://qneely.blogspot.com/ . ]
[ http://wawazi.blogspot.com/ 哇蛙子部落格 ]
[ http://watchnewsdog.blogspot.com/ 看门狗 ]
[ http://monstercct.blogspot.com/ Monster's Cave ]
[ http://daplipsuan.blogspot.com/ 林立选 - DAPlipsuan ]
[ http://bright-i.blogspot.com/ Bright - I ]
[ http://jamesteohart.blogspot.com/ James Teoh Art ]
[ http://shirls.wordpress.com/ 雪芬 - 四海为家 From Far South to Far North ]
[ http://760724.blogspot.com/ 荒涼 。儒 部落 ]
[ http://www.klsreview.com/ 蓝中华 - 吉隆坡安全评论 ]
[ http://kayhean.blogspot.com/ kayhean - 哇唔哉啦...搁是困卡好啦 ]
[ http://nomorecung.blogspot.com/ 就是有一天聪明 - 有一天聪明 ]
[ http://langmangmusic.blogspot.com/ 流氓乐队 - 流氓的我 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/chooihar Under the KL Sun ]
[ http://pcc-serdang.blogspot.com/ PCC生命的见证 ]
[ http://liciasecret.blogspot.com/ 叶蓓怡 - 怡阅挥毫•我的梦想 ]
[ http://www.designeractivity.com/ Ah Liaw - designeractivity.com ]
[ http://www.bestloveart.com/blog/ Rin - best.LOVE.art ]
[ http://tch860.blogspot.com/ 陈志鸿 - 爱有千万身 ]
[ http://seethocheeseong.blogspot.com/ 司徒旨祥 - 百般感慨(旧)]
[ http://blog.twilight-zones.com/ 司徒旨祥 - 善与恶之间 ]
[ http://www.cheeseong.com/blog/ 司徒旨祥 - cheeseong.com ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/queensdiary QueenD - 不必在乎我是谁 ]
[ http://shukuen7788.blogspot.com/ Seaw - eVeRyThInG for m3 iS a LiL' bIt ]
[ http://chunyong.blogspot.com/ J.R.Qiu - Br@vo俊子一言 ]
[ http://iishi11.blogspot.com/ 石井步... ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/weesiewtiong weesiewtiong - 射手座的左手 ]
[ http://woodhouseinmind.blogspot.com/ 天涯海角万里星空出一间小木屋 ]
[ http://autocatharsis.blogspot.com/ 自我宣泄 AUTOCATHARSIS ]
[ http://xweing.blogspot.com/ Xweing Away! ]
[ http://sally8864.blogspot.com/ 〖春夏秋冬〗【四季旺季】 ]
[ http://earthexplodeorg.blogspot.com/ EarthExplode.Org Blog ]
[ http://ngyianshia.blogspot.com/ 小虾 - 空间的独白 ]
[ http://june.mamak.info/ 六月星夜记忆时光机 ]
[ http://www.thoo2.net/ HungryPrettyMonster 美丽饿魔 ]
[ http://blog.sina.com.cn/YiJiangGuangYing 记得一江光影 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/luvyx4ever 因为有你,幸福近在一厘米 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joycehyc *_* Joyce's Diary *_* ]
[ http://yapboonhau.blogspot.com/ A Lawyer's Dairy ]
[ http://khinghong.blogspot.com/ Khing Hong With You ]
[ http://wander-wonder-land.blogspot.com/ Jacklyn NXY - W@NDER-LAND ]
[ http://kepomalaysia.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚爱国鸡婆联盟 ]
[ http://politicalpoems.blogspot.com/ 郑云城 - 云城的政治诗 ]
[ http://guannianshoushu.blogspot.com/ 郑云城 - 观念手术 ]
[ http://joanne9117yong.blogspot.com/ 一根草一滴露 ]
[ http://thepplway.blogspot.com/ ~思想~thought~fikir~ ]
[ http://fast0811.blogspot.com/ 《还我新闻自由0811快闪族》 ]
[ http://inbetweenconfusion.blogspot.com/ lkf - 惑与不惑之间 ]
[ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/clp-78 clp-78 - 无人状态 ]
[ http://shealichew.blogspot.com/ 雪莉 - 雪上加双 ]
[ http://www.pewaju.org/ 记协网 - 槟城中文报记者及摄影记者协会网站 ]
[ http://sabahtalks.blogspot.com/ 李少荣 - My Say ]
[ http://slyvia23hasegawa.blogspot.com/ Slyvia - 开心就好 ]
[ http://slyvia-blue86.spaces.live.com/ Slyvia - * ~HAPPY FOREVER ~ * ^_^ ]
[ http://yeecorner.blogspot.com 怡 - 大城小思 ]
[ http://www.go2wellington.com/ 大马华人生活在威灵顿,纽西兰 ]
[ http://www.92088.net/ 博客 92088 ]
[ http://owen-yap.blogspot.com/ 叶剑锋 - 遇 。剑 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/weilong_blog 曾维龙 - 叶隐者 ]
[ http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/leeliping/ 百合仙子 ]
[ http://malaysian-bloggers-directory.blogspot.com/ Malaysian Blogger Directory ]
[ http://iyungwei.blogspot.com I, Yungwei ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/weishze WeiShze - 365天 12个月里 24个小时 我一直都在 ]
[ http://abaoophoto.blogspot.com 阿包摄影空间 ]
[ http://angwoeishang.blogspot.com/ 洪伟翔 - 翱翔天际 ]
[ http://leafmustardseed.blogspot.com/ 保罗 - 芥菜种 ]
[ http://caridigest.blogspot.com/ Cari Digest 佳礼文摘 ]
[ http://www.antzblog.com/nelson 梁孙康 - 孙康说 ]
[ http://blueriver123.blogspot.com/ 湖水正蓝 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/teoengching 张颖群 - 为民主把脉·政治部落格 ]
[ http://puakiamwee.blogspot.com/ 潘俭伟 - 家国思索 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/teonieching 张念群 - 念念不忘 ]
[ http://angelyeo.blogspot.com/ Angel Yeo - 美丽的一生 ]
[ http://fanyafu.blogspot.com/ 雅福 - 我只是范范之辈。。。]
[ http://vincentcho25.blogspot.com/ PARADISE | 自己·字迹 | ]
[ http://k2lee.blogspot.com/ 吖十的道理 ]
[ http://jiankaogudidai.blogspot.com/ 吉安考古地带 ]
[ http://www.antzblog.com/xyuan 星緣 ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/ylsian 仙闲驿站 ]
[ http://www.wyffgoal.com/ 伟业的博客之旅 ]
[ http://foreverlui.blogspot.com/ Forever HL 永远的幻* 蕾 ]
[ http://keidou.multiply.com 豆店老板娘 ]
[ http://vemma-malaysia-bc.blogspot.com/ 财富自主、健康身体、和谐生活 ]
[ https://yhsam.wordpress.com/ 只是一些东东 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/SimanSay 小鱼儿游泳教室 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jeslyn ~*jeslyn 美世子の部屋*~ ]
[ http://www.inbetweenchloe.com/wordpress/ 反正那束花也已经凋零 ]
[ http://yenhong90.blogspot.com/ 燕子飞越彩虹 ]
[ http://chinhing.blogspot.com/ 展兴博客 ]
[ http://staryouth7.blogspot.com/ 星火争鸣 ]
[ http://mca-malaysia.blogspot.com/ Kok Chin - 政治四度空间 ]
[ http://www.puzzle-blog.net/blog/budXflower/ 蕊中没有花@这里却可看到花+乌龟 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/nickyhs ~心情涂鸦站~ Nicky ]
[ http://dema2u.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚青年及学生民主运动(学运) 旧版 ]
[ http://demamalaysia.wordpress.com/ 马来西亚青年及学生民主运动(学运) 新版 ]
[ http://peoplevoice.wordpress.com/ 人民之声 ]
[ http://ccliew.blogspot.com/ CCLIEW ]
[ http://article-interchange.blogspot.com/ 聚文楼 - Malaysia Today 中文译文 ]
[ http://leea185.spaces.live.com/ 我心 ]
[ http://www.truequalitylife.com/ 姿彩人生 ]
[ http://www.chincheekin.com/ 快乐关键 ]
[ http://taipingman.blogspot.com/ 狼皮羔羊部落 ]
[ http://kfcdelicious.blogspot.com/ KfC~d3LiCiOuS! ]
[ http://blog.yam.com/eddiechang 庄德志 - 唯心乐园望风楼 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/wpyian 就是阿恩的家 ]
[ http://nn2j8oq.blogspot.com/ 不是HL牛奶 - 咖啡@臻 ]
[ http://littlebelle.blogspot.com/ Belle - 玲感来了 ]
[ http://www.antzblog.com/killingfish 属鱼部落 ]
[ http://yingandrubberstamping.blogspot.com/ Creative and Stamping ]
[ http://vintagemomying.blogspot.com/ vintagemom ]
[ http://kbhuang.blogspot.com/ 黄高弼 - 和您分享 ]
[ hhttp://wongkb.blogspot.com/ 尊友合唱团 - 活动 ]
[ http://www.antzblog.com/coolingsky Coolingsky 冰之颖 - 薰依草朴园 ]
[ http://limbeetat.spaces.live.com/ 懒人の部落格 ]
[ http://andrew.mylovepress.com/blog 结庐居 ]
[ http://chshai.wordpress.com/ 蔡青翰- 害羞地说 ]
[ http://hersketchbook.blogspot.com/ 吴惠恩 - @踏踏寻寻.寻寻觅觅.对酒当歌.人生几何 ]
[ http://ngoheaong.blogspot.com/ 小镇里的医生 - 沁纯的涂鸦本子 ]
[ http://jeanleeshokjing.blogspot.com 李书祯 - 推开另一扇窗 ]
[ http://jwdonotdisturb.blogspot.com/ GinGer - ::私人会议::非.请.勿.进. ]
[ ttp://www.wretch.cc/blog/flippytiff 可歆の博客 ]
[ http://cbjun.wordpress.com/ Mr. Jun 俊少的吐嘈 ]
[ http://yongshuang88.blogspot.com/ 邹永双 @ 双宿双飞 ]
[ http://simplywaimee.wordpress.com/ Waimee's Weblog 平凡小女子部落格 ]
[ http://theirstory818.blogspot.com/ 男人&女人 ]
[ http://spiritual31.blogspot.com/ ~SpiRiTuaL@SuperNaTuRaL** ]
[ http://malayfreedom.blogspot.com/ 马来西亚人民之声 ]
[ http://jazz4jess.blogspot.com/ 向希 Jess - 大音希聲,大向希形 (旧) ]
[ http://jesscheng.com 向希 Jess - 大音希聲,大向希形 (新) ]
[ http://aboutfeeling.blogspot.com/ 赤雨 - 玫瑰侠客 ]
[ http://ktleong2008.blogspot.com/ KT Leong 燕城梁子 ]
[ http://pingjinn.blogspot.com/ 林季 - 世间的歌唱不完 ]
[ http://fly0.blogspot.com/ Faye fly - Fly ]
[ http://qing-xiong.blogspot.com/ 秦熊 - 我会尝试停留下来,接近大地。。。。。。]
[ http://hexiaowei.blogspot.com/ 何晓薇 - 红尘弱水 ]
[ http://sf-32words.blogspot.com/ 何晓菲 - 三言两语 ]
[ http://trishiak.blogspot.com/ TrishiaK - 女子T的图文创作 ]
[ http://hi.baidu.com/mastery 陈富焙空间 - 分享孙子兵法、西方企管、三国谋略等 ]
[ http://nvrenshijie.blogspot.com/ 女人世界 ]
[ http://anti-generationism.blogspot.com 陳勇健 - 逆流世代/DePReSSiVe GeNeRatiON ]
[ http://ckmah.blogspot.com/ 马志强 - 士心弓虽的家 ]
[ http://runrun1126.blogspot.com/ 然然 - 我思故我梦 ]
[ http://ailinyong.blogspot.com/ 杨艾琳 - 爵士风云 ]
[ http://yein2.blogspot.com/ 黄颍颍 - My Collection ]
[ http://1324worldmag.blogspot.com/ 黄颍颍 - 1234奔跑世界地平线 ]
[ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jc93 旺樟的部落格(旧) ]
[ http://jc93-blog.lifeskys.com/ 旺樟 - 艺心术情 ]
[ http://polibug.blogspot.com/ PoliBug | 波力.拔克 ]
[ http://malaysia4dimensi.blogspot.com/ 政治四度空间 ]
[ http://victorchanky.blogspot.com/ Victor Chan - 义想天开 ]
[ http://lawsmed.blogspot.com/ 刘勋 - 中医师部落格 ]
[ http://uncleboo66.blogspot.com/ 阿武叔 UNCLE BOO ]
[ http://ivan-soon.blogspot.com/ Ivan - 违背良心 ]
[ http://www.limboochang.com 林武灿部落格 ]
[ http://nannansay.blogspot.com/ 喃喃自语 ]
[ http://bloggerhoward.blogspot.com/ 林聪明 - 好活随笔 ]
[ http://www.iamshin.com/ 小雨天镜 ]
[ http://lee-abc.blogspot.com/ ABC(直凉新闻)]
[ http://yingyingdiaries.blogspot.com/ Amy Ku - 反对诠释的角落 ]
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